
  • 1 CE

    The Birth of Almeria

    The Undying King proclaims the new nation of Almeria, the motion meets some resistance from the southern and eastern states.
  • 1 CE

    The Wars of Conquest Begin

    The Undying King announces his plan to 'civilise' the entirety of Ocura, declaring war on the southern and eastern states.
  • 1 CE

    The Wars of Conquest End

    After only 2 months of warfare, the stubborn Free Lords surrender to the Undying King. With no major battles being fought.
  • 1 CE

    The Treaty of the Ebonmount

    After the defeat of Nevaeri at the Ebonmount, by the hand of the Undying King, the dragon war ended. Pysil had long since vanished by this point rumoured to have raised the Dragon's Tooth mountains to cover his escape from Ocura, south through the lawless wastes. Vorvinios perished in the war but Zaemaston's ruby form was shattered upon the spire of lamentation, scattering his essence across the material planes.
  • 2

    The Discovery of the Dragon People

    After an expedition is sent to the previously uninhabitable Ebonmount, a strange new race is discovered. Half man and half dragon, they were found thriving in the wasteland that was once Nevaeri's dread fortress.
  • 2

    The Clawpoint Massacre

    Amidst claims that the Undying King is unfit to rule, a group of so called 'rebels' are slain by the King's watchers
  • Period: 2 to 127

    The Age of Fear

    The Undying King's reign begins to become tyrannical, while some are convinced he has lost his mind, many citizens live in fear of his Silent Watchers that patrol the streets.
  • 127

    The Betrayer is Betrayed

    The Undying King is slain by his right hand man Lord Kasian Mirax who subsequently tries to claim his throne. Almeria plunges into civil war.
  • Period: 127 to 1067

    The Godless Age

    With countless civil wars and plagues, many flee Ocura claiming that the gods have abandoned these lands.
  • 1067

    Almeria Reborn

    After years of conquest, and purging the vile corruption left from the tyranny of the Undying King, Teran Vasil a human conquers the wastelands and proclaims the new country of Vasilian Almeria.
  • Period: 1067 to

    The Age of Magic

    With relative stability achieved throughout most of the continent, a new age of prosperity begins. Huge developments in magic are made, and plane breaks are discovered
  • 1493

    The First Plane Break Discovered

    Stormking Azol II discovers a planebreak to the elemental plane of fire at the Ember Peak.
  • Period: to

    The First Plane War

    With the discovery of the plane breaks it is clear that they contain a lot of power, planar magic is very powerful and both Almeria and the Stormkings to the northeast are engaged in a magical arms race. Almeria declares war on the Stormkings after reports that they have been trying to summon elemental titans. The war ends with the annexation of the Stormlands by Almeria, but not without great cost.
  • The Summoning of Vekazad

    As defeat became inevitable for the Stormkings, they used the last of their power to summon Vekazad, a mighty Stone Titan from the plane of Earth, to wreak havoc and sow destruction throughout Almeria. Almeria had many failed attempts at defeating Vekazad, it was only when a wizard named Vorgrim banished the soul of Vekazad back to the plane of earth, was he finally defeated.
  • Period: to

    Whole Again

    With the Stormkings defeated, and Ocura united once again. King Xol-Avar proclaims himself as The Undying King reincarnated, and sets about creating many holidays and great stories of the Undying King so to improve the public opinion.
  • Period: to

    The Second Plane War

    King Vekaz dies without an heir, leaving his kingdom divided into 7 parts as they all rally behind different claimants. The war eventually devolved into stalemate between 3 factions. Borodai of the Summer Lands; Sorka of the Barrowlands; and Mikaer of the Greygard Tundra. All three used planar magic to try and defeat the others, but their ambition was punished. Veshare the Dao sent Vekhuilad, another stone titan, through a now strengthened plane break to claim Ocura and those who dwell there.
  • The Titan's Duel

    Vorgrim, now nearly 200 years old, reanimates the body of Vekazad with intense magical power and uses him to defeat Vekhuilad at the site of modern day Steelcliff. Angry at the claimants meddling with things they do not understand, he marches Vekazad on to Ghalthalas and forces the newly crowned King Sorka I to give Vorgrim the Stormlands, and also to outlaw the teaching of magic to his new state. Sorka agreed and so the nation of Vorgrim's Pact was born.
  • Period: to

    The Age of Construction

    The Second Plane War left much of Almeria in complete devastation. Almeria slowly began to heal.
  • The Eruption of the Ebonmount

    The Ebonmount spews out tons of ash and smoke, covering the Greygard tundra in ash. Many of the people flee to the Summerlands, those who remain became known as 'The Ashen People'. The Dragonborn seek refuge from the Ebonmount in the now mostly deserted Ashlands, north of the Greygard Mountains.
  • Period: to

    The Age of Ash (The Second Age of Fear)

    Almeria tries to recover from the devastation left after the Eruption, a large refugee crisis begins and there are food shortages and widespread civil unrest. The Kings throughout this age kept an iron grip on Almeria, in the face of numerous uprisings - most notably the loss of the Northern Ashlands to the Dragonborn.
  • Birth of the Dragonlands

    After Almeria had all but abandoned the Northern Ashlands after the Eruption, the Dragonborn claimed these lands after a weakly opposed rebellion. The borders of this once great kingdom shrink to the Greygard Mountains.
  • Period: to

    The Age of Colony

    With the terrors of the Age of Ash over, King Hanavi declares his ambition for the exploration and civilisation of the Lawless Wastes and the Southlands beyond. Many trading colonies are created, and a new age of prosperity begins.
  • The Dwarf Kingdom Surfaces

    The Dwarves surface for the first time since the Dragon War, and establish 2 great cities: Van Boldihr and Brittlehorn.
  • The Continent of Kevara Discovered

    After a year long voyage, the explorer Wymas Avorn finally reaches the far western continent of Kevara. The continent is a mix of tropical archipelagos to the north governed by the Falen High Elves and dense jungle dominated by Yuan-Ti.
  • Period: to

    The Slow Decline

    The start of the decline came when the people of Hanav, the great colony in the Southlands revolt and claim independence. High taxes are levied on the population of Almeria to fund the war for Hanavian Independence. There is widespread civil unrest throughout this period and numerous revolts, although most are unsuccessful. The final nail in the coffin for Almeria was the arrival of the Falen Elves from the continent of Kevana.
  • The Ashen Rising

    The Ashen people of the Southern Ashlands were increasingly ignored, even as their pleas for help became more desperate. Dragonborn, Orcs and Giants from the Torvathi and Greygard Mountains were attacking more brutally and frequently, while Almeria did nothing. Felix Velimir lead the revolt, successfully claiming the Southern Ashlands and thus the Daerun Empire was born.
  • Period: to

    The War of the Waves

    The Falen Elves arrive to try and set up a colony on Ocura, they meet fierce resistance from the Almerians who desperately try to repel the invaders. The Elves take the Reach, but get locked into a stalemate on the Torvathi Mountains. The stalemate is eventually broken when the Elves use their powerful magic to cause the oceans to swallow Ghalthalas, with numerous mighty tsunamis.