October Surprises

By royl25
  • forged letter

    forged letter
    garfield called for reasonable negotiation with china about immigration but democrats released a forged letter claiming he was saying cheap labor was good for business
  • FDR and black vote

    FDR and black vote
    one of FRD staff got into a fight with a black police officer
  • kissinger announces peace in Vietnam

    kissinger announces peace in Vietnam
    Nixon's national security adviser announced peace in the Vietnam war this is not true and war continued
  • october surprise reagan

    october surprise reagan
    the term was coined by reagans campain manager who thought jimmy carter would have hostages relased in october to make his campain look good
  • Bush and Iran-Contra

    Bush and Iran-Contra
    Weinberger indicted in iran -contra scandal.
  • DUI and George W. Bush

    DUI and George W. Bush
    george W bush was arrested for DUI driving in 1976
  • Clinton's Emails

    Clinton's Emails
    FBI re-opened investigation into her private email server