Period: to
october crisis
Quiet Revolution Begins
In 1960 the quebec liberL party led by Jean Lesage was voted in over the Union Nationelle that was in power since 1944. This was a big change for the province of quebec. In two years there were many reforms and plans for reform. http://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/quiet-revolution/ -
Canada recieves a new flag.
The official cerimony for the new flag was held on Parliment Hill, Ottawa on Febuary 15th, 1965. -
The FLQ kidnaps James Cross
British trade commissioner James Cross is kidnaped by 4 men with guns. The men forced James into a taxi. http://www.cbc.ca/archives/categories/politics/civil-unrest/the-october-crisis-civil-liberties-suspended/british-diplomat-kidnapped.html -
Broadcast of the FLQ Manifesto
Front de libration du Quebec was a group of people from Quebec that decided they were going to do what they could to put their fait in their own hands. The FLQ Manifesto was brodcasted by CBC/Radio Canada. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FLQ_Manifesto http://english.republiquelibre.org/Manifesto_of_the_Front_de_libération_du_Québec -
Pierre Laporte
Armed men pull up to a Saint-Lambert home where Pierre Laporte was with his family. He was kidnapped by the men. The incident escelated the "October Crisis".
http://www.cbc.ca/archives/categories/politics/civil-unrest/the-october-crisis-civil-liberties-suspended/flq-kidnaps-pierre-laporte.html -
The Canadian Army is sent to patrol Ottawa
The army was sent im to Protect Ottawa.
http://canadaonline.about.com/cs/octobercrisis/a/octobercrisistl.htm -
Trudeau says "just watch me"
When Trudeau is asked how for he will go with reducing civil liberties to protect people he responds with "just watch me". http://www.cbc.ca/player/Digital+Archives/Politics/ID/1404651972/ -
Robert Lemieux
Robert asked students to support the Flq by Boycotting classes. -
Government of Quebec asked for help from the Canadian army.
Asistance by the Canadian military in place of the Quebec police was formaly requested on October 15th.
http://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/october-crisis/ -
War measures act is inforced.
(Quote from http://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/october-crisis/)
On 16 October the federal government proclaimed the existence of a state of "apprehended insurrection" under the War Measures Act. -
Pierre Laporte is executed
Pierre's body was found at a St Hubart, Quebec airport in the trunk of a car. It was believed that the government or the mob did it, not the FLQ. http://www.marxists.org/history/canada/quebec/flq/1977/laporte.htm -
police raid FLQ's Chenier cell
The Cheiner Cell hideout was raided. plice arrested Bernard Lortie while other cell members managed to escape. -
James Cross is released
Police descovered where james was being held he was released. Acording to james he was not physically mistreated while he was In captivity. http://canadaonline.about.com/cs/octobercrisis/a/octobercrisistl.htm -
Pierre anounces that all troops are being removed from Quebec
Due to the surender of the Cheinier ell Canadian troops would be released from Quebec by JAnuary 5th 1971. https://sites.google.com/site/grevencivics/home/the-october-crisis -
The Canadian charter is enshrined in the constitution.
The Canadian charter is enshrined in the constitution. http://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/canadian-charter-of-rights-and-freedoms/