
  • Hurricane Galveston

    Hurricane Galveston
    -Hurrican Galveston had winds up to 135 mph and waves up to 15 foot tall
    -an estimate of 8000p poeple were perished
    -killed up to 6000 to 8000 people were killed by the hurricane
  • san fransico fire and earth quake

    san fransico fire and earth quake
    -the fire was on for 4 stright days and durned 500 city blocks
    -killed up to 3000 lives were lost by the fire left 225000 with out homes
    -the earth quake had a magnitude of a 7.7 to 7,9
  • okeechobee hurricane

    okeechobee hurricane
    -the hurricane had winds up to 140 mph
    -the hurricane killed 2500 pepole
    -the hurrican left a big flood and the people had no options just to wait for it to leave
  • Hurricane andrew

    Hurricane andrew
    -Hurricane andrew affected the bahamas and had damaged 250 millon
    -more then 750 houses were destroyed by the high winds and high tides
    -about 1.4 billon peopole had no power
  • Hurricane Katrina

    Hurricane Katrina
    -Hurricane katrina had wind up to 125 mph
    -killed 1836 and had 80% of the city underwater
    -the cost of the damage was $125 billon