Oceanography degree programs

Oceanography Timeline

By Shey A
  • 1000

    The Compass

    Years upon years ago, the Chinese created a tool that assisted sailors in navigating across the ocean.
  • 1492

    Christopher Columbus' Exploration

    In 1492, Christopher Columbus alongside his 90 men sailed through the Atlantic in search of paths that lead to Europe, instead he discovers North and South America which was then later colonized. (Navigation)
  • 1519

    Magellan's Trip Around the World

    On September 20, 1519, Ferdinand Magellan was set on a western route to the Moluccas. Him alongside his men became the first people to circumnavigate across the world.
  • The Halley's Diving Bell

    The Halley's Diving Bell
    The Diving Bell was created by Edmund Halley which was provided air through weighted barrels for underwater exploration (scientific research)
  • The Very First Diving Suit

    Within the 1797, a German scientist created the first diving suit that consisted of a porthole of metal that covered most of the body besides the feet. (Scientist Research)
  • The First Submarine

    In 1800, the very first Submarine was created by Robert Fulton who was the former creator of the steamboat. The submarine consisted of wood, metal and was acknowledged as the very first use of a rudder. (Scientific Research)
  • The Creation of the United States Coast Survey

    Thomas Jefferson desired knowledge of what was out on the coast of the United States, so he formed the United States Coast Survey recover information on the eastern coast of the United States (Scientific Research)
  • The First of Scuba

    With new advanced technology it provided new opportunities for discoveries underwater, which then led to the first use of scuba diving. It provided scuba divers the ability to last longer underwater (Scientific Research)
  • Creation of the First Biological Research Center

    In California, the Scripps institute was founded which was dedicated to Biomedical research near the coast. By 1912, the institute soon expands alongside the University of California.
  • Sea Drilling

    By 1968, Deep Sea Drilling was introduced to do research the Earth's crust under sea level. (Scientific Research)