Oceanography Timeline

  • 1300 BCE

    Sail boats

    Sail boats
    The sailboat is said to date back all the way back to 1,300 B.C. These were invented to make traveling across water much faster. and the sails on the boat made it much easier to navigate where these people were going
  • 206 BCE

    Invention of compasses

    Invention of compasses
    The compass was invented in 206 B.C so when you are traveling you can tell what direction you are going in. This was used almost every boater so they didn't get lost.
  • Fishing Reel

    Fishing Reel
    The fishing rod has been used forever but the reel of the fishing rod was invented in 1650 which made fishing much easier so this helped trading fish a lot.
  • Scuba Suit

    Scuba Suit
    The first scuba suit dates back to 1710 which was the first pressure-proof diving suit. This aided navigation in the ocean a lot because people can go underwater for longer.
  • Submarine

    The submarine was first used in September of 1776 and is an underwater vessel that helps people to study the ocean much better. They're are now used for scientific research and military purposes.
  • Steam Boats

    Steam Boats
    Steamboats which consisted of a steam-powered engine made boats much faster which was an improvement to trading and navigation.
  • Deep Sea Life

    Deep Sea Life
    In 1867 a scientist found proof that deep-sea life actually existed, this was a very big discovery for people that studied the ocean.(scientific research)
  • Oxygen Tank

    Oxygen Tank
    The oxygen tank was invented in 1916 which helped scuba divers stay underwater longer which helped underwater navigation even more.
  • Ocean mapping from space

    Ocean mapping from space
    Ocean mapping from space was a very important invention because it has shown scientists what 95% of the ocean looks like and all the hills and valleys. (navigation and scientific research)
  • Autosub

    The autosub is a computer submarine with no one in it and its purpose is to study the ocean. This is used for scientific research.