Deep sea serenade

Ocean Exploration

  • 4500 BCE

    Ocean Diving Begins

    Several cultures like China and Greece started to dive in the ocean for food and start communicating with other nations. This was very convenient because both place were near water.
  • 150 BCE

    Ptolemy's Map

    Ptolemy's Map
    Astronomer and geographer Ptolemy makes a map of the world around him which includes Africa, Europe, and Asia, and the oceans surrounding them. This is one of the earliest maps to include lines of latitude and longitude. This mad was lost but rediscovered in recent times.
  • 900

    Viking Expeditions Begin

    Viking Expeditions Begin
    Ancient Vikings colonize Iceland, Greenland, and Newfoundland. They are also some of the first people to use the north star to guide them to their destination.
  • 1492

    Voyage of Christopher Columbus

    Voyage of Christopher Columbus
    Christopher Columbus sets off for his voyage to India and China but mistakenly finds North and South America. He was also the first European to make contact with the Caribbean, Central America, and South America.
  • First Waterproof Suit

    First Waterproof Suit
    Sir Pierre Rémy de Beauve creates the first water proof suit with metal boots, a water proof jacket and to tubes for inhaling and exhaling air.
  • Franklin's Sundry Maritime Observations

    Franklin's Sundry Maritime Observations
    Benjamin Franklin writes a letter to a fellow scientist in France, this letter was know as the Sundry Maritime Observations. This letter detailed his discoveries in the gulf stream as well as ship design and cause for disaster at sea.
  • U.S. Coast Survey Established

    U.S. Coast Survey Established
    Thomas Jefferson creates the United States Coast Survey. The organization studies and sends information about tides, currents, sea floor characteristics amongst other maritime subjects.
  • Deep Sea Life in Abundancehe

    Deep Sea Life in Abundancehe
    Charles Wyville Thomson scans the ocean floor and finds life far deeper than once thought. This information makes Edward Forbes theory that no life is below 300 fathoms false
  • Titanic Sinks

    Titanic Sinks
    The once thought unsinkable ship was sunk on April 15 1912 by an iceberg. 1,500 passengers lost their lives but in result to this leads to an effort to discover objects in the water before moving a vessel.
  • The Aqua-Lung

    The Aqua-Lung
    Jacques Cousteau and Emile Gagnan make the first up to date scuba suit. They then created the aqua lung which let you stay underwater for longer than ever before. These inventions changed the world of diving forever
  • First Multibeam Sounding

    First Multibeam Sounding
    This was the first work multibeam sounding system which allowed people to get more detailed and accurate maps of the ocean floor as long as they stayed on a survey line
  • NOAA Established

    NOAA Established
    The NOAA or National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration was created. This agency focuses on the condition oceans and the atmosphere. They warn about dangerous weather and tell about what to expect from the waters on that day to help improve our knowledge about the environment
  • Titanic Found

    Titanic Found
    Dr. Robert Ballard finds the legendary titanic that sunk almost 70 years ago. The ship was about 12,000 feet deep and about 375 miles off the coast of Canada, though the ship was found in two sperate parts which means there's no chance of getting the ship back
  • First Video of Giant Squid

    A Japanese expedition crew finds a living giant squid in its natural habitat. This giant squid was rather small, it was only 9 feet in length but giant squids can grow to be 50 feet in length