Ocean Exploration

  • 900

    When Viking expeditions began

    The Vikings began to discover new land. The Vikings were from south Scandinavia, Norway, and Sweden. The Vikings were the first explorers to use a north star to find out their latitude.
  • 1002

    Adventure of Leif Erickson.

    Leif Erickson was the very first European that landed in North America. He came to America about 500years before Christopher Columbus did. He named what he discovered Vinland. Vinland was located on the northern tip of new land in Canada.
  • 1405

    China's Voyages

    China did a 7 voyages with 300 plus ships. They contained a combined crew of almost 37,000 people. Sadly, they soon had to stop due to China's economic pressure back at home.
  • 1410

    Rediscovery of Ptolemy's map

    Ptolemy famous map is rediscovered as Europeans capture ancient Roman libraries from the Arab people.
  • 1492

    Adventurer of Christopher Columbus

    Christopher Columbus a Spanish explorer went on a voyage across the Atlantic to go to China and Indian. He instead discovers north America and south America. He was the first European to make contact with the Caribbean, central, and south America.
  • 1498

    Voyage of Vasco da Gama

    A Portuguese explorer named Vasco da Gama, sailed around the cape of good hope, and became the first European to go to India by boat. This was a big deal because it marks the beginning of ocean-based multiculturalism.
  • Sep 20, 1519

    The first circumnavigation

    Ferdinand Magellan's fleet of ships were the first ever people to sail around the whole world. Sadly, Magellan was killed before they achieved this.
  • 1535

    First Actual Diving Bell

    Guglielmo de Lorena invented the first real diving bell. The bell was tested in a lake near Rome. It provides air for an 1 hour dive. It is hoped that this can be used to recover treasure from sunken roman ships.
  • 1578

    The first plans for a submarine

    An English mathematician called Williams Bourne makes the first plans for an underwater boat. It was a boat with a leather covered wooden frame and it would be rowed from the inside. There is no proof that this boat was ever built.