Obsolete Consoles

By 616060
  • Atari

    This was the first gaming system to be introduced to the world. Discontinued in 1992
  • Nintendo Entertainment System

    Nintendo Entertainment System
    The NES was the first gaming system to utilize 3D graphics.
    Discontinued in 1995
  • Sega Genesis

    Sega Genesis
    Discontinued in 1997.
  • Gameboy

    First handheld game system. Discontinued in 2003.
  • Playstation

    The introduction of the PlayStation, arguably the most successful gaming console. Discontinued in 2006 with the release of the PS3.
  • PS2

    The follow up to the PS1. Discontinued in 2013 after the release of the PS4.
  • XBOX

    The release of also the most successful game system, and Playstation's biggest competitor. Discontinued in 2009.
  • XBOX 360

    XBOX 360
    Follow up to the XBOX. Introduced motion control to rival the Nintendo Wii. Discontinued in 2016.
  • PS3

    Released to rival XBOX 360, introduced PS Move which were motion controlled games. Discontinued in 2017.
  • Nintendo Wii

    Nintendo Wii
    First console to utilize motion control. Discontinued 2013
  • PS4

    Follow up to PS3, along with the XBOX it greatly improved graphics. Sony is still producing consoles
  • XBOX 1

    XBOX 1
    Pioneered new graphics and new generation. Microsoft is still producing games.
  • Nintendo Switch

    Nintendo Switch
    Revolutionized portable game consoles. Nintendo is still producing.
  • PS5

    Just released. First console to use 4K graphics.
  • XBOX Series X

    XBOX Series X
    Just released. First console to use 4k graphucs
  • Virtual Reality

    Virtual Reality
    Gaming consoles are slowly becoming obsolete as virtual reality becomes more common and accessible.