Obsolete Line

  • Newspaper

    Newspapers are an old way the news was spread, but they haven't become fully obsolete yet. Newspapers are still in action around many towns and cities, but they aren't as popular as they used to be.
  • Encyclopedia

    Encyclopedias, at one point it was the biggest source of information, but they became obsolete around 1010 to 2012. Why? The internet. With the introduction of the internet, searching for anything became easy. As a result, manufacturing facilities stopped making them.
  • TypeWriter

    Typewriters, those big writing machines, lost their use by the late 20th century. Why? Computers were invented. With word processors, typing got a whole lot easier and quicker. Plus, computers let you fix mistakes and store your work digitally. So, typewriters became obsolete.
  • Land Lines

    Land Lines
    Landlines, once a household necessity, began to fade from prominence in the late 2000s to the 2010s. Why? Mobile phones were invented. With their portable style and advancing technology, they made landlines seem outdated. As a result, many households ditched their landlines, signaling the end of an era for this communication tool.
  • Phone Books

    Phone Books
    Phone books, those large books filled with numbers, they became obsolete 2000s to the 2010s. Why? The internet was invented. With online directories and search engines like Google, finding numbers became an easy task. Plus, smartphones made carrying around a bulky phone book obsolete. So, slowly, phone books faded away as phones took over.
  • Film

    Camera film was in its prime from the late 1800s until the early 2000s to 2010s. What happened? Well, digital cameras were invented. They brought instant previews, cost efficiency, and better quality. People found them more convenient and versatile than old film. So, sadly, camera film gradually faded into obscurity as digital photography took over.
  • Public Payphones

    Public Payphones
    Payphones were phones for the public that usually needed money to operate. They started to become obsolete around the late 20th to the 21st century with the invention of Cell Phones.
  • Floppy Discs

    Floppy Discs
    Floppy discs were an old way people used to store data on old computers. They started becoming obsolete when USBs and other external drives were invented.
  • VHS

    VHS tapes were popular in the late 20th century but started becoming obsolete in the early 2000s to the 2010s. Why? DVDs and later, streaming services like Netflix emerged, offering better quality and convenience. Plus, VCRs became harder to find and maintain. So, VHS tapes became obsolete as technology evolved.
  • CDs

    CDs, once one of the most popular digital items, began losing their appeal in the 2000s to the 2010s. Why? Digital music! Platforms like iTunes and streaming services like Spotify offered instant access to millions of songs without the need for physical discs. Plus, MP3 players and smartphones made carrying around CDs inconvenient. So, CDs gradually became a relic of the past as digital music took over the music scene.