Obesity a lack of spiritual food

Obesity in the World

  • Underage & Overweight:... Book

    Underage & Overweight:... Book
    Berg, Francie M. Underage & Overweight: America's Childhood Obesity Crisis-- What Every Family Needs to Know. New York: Hatherleigh, 2004. 
  • "Childhood Obesity Rate in U.S. Hits a Plateau." Periodical

    "Childhood Obesity Rate in U.S. Hits a Plateau."  Periodical
    Zarembo, Alan. "Childhood Obesity Rate in U.S. Hits a Plateau." Los Angeles Times. 28 May 2008. Web. 10 Dec. 2011. http://articles.latimes.com/2008/may/28/science/sci-obesity28.
  • "Adolescent weight gain and social networks: is there a contagion effect? "

    "Adolescent weight gain and social networks: is there a contagion effect? "
    Ali, M., A. Amialchuk, S. Gao, and F. Heiland. "Adolescent weight gain and social networks: is there a contagion effect? " Applied Economics  44.23 (2012): 2969. ABI/INFORM Global, ProQuest. Web.  11 Dec. 2011.
  • "U.S. Obesity Rates to Soar, Researchers Report."

    Fox, Maggie. "U.S. Obesity Rates to Soar, Researchers Report." Nationaljournal.com 26 Aug. 2011. Health Reference Center Academic. Web. 11 Dec. 2011.
  • "Obesity is becoming the norm - but it doesn't have to be so :Surgeon Richard Wellbourn believes surgery is sometimes the best solution to losing weight. "

    "Obesity is becoming the norm - but it doesn't have to be so :Surgeon Richard Wellbourn believes surgery is sometimes the best solution to losing weight. "
    "Obesity is becoming the norm - but it doesn't have to be so :Surgeon Richard Wellbourn believes surgery is sometimes the best solution to losing weight. " The Western Morning News  6  Dec. 2011, ProQuest Newsstand, ProQuest. Web.  10. Dec. 2011.
  • "Deconstructing obesity: the face of fatness before and after the discovery of leptin. " 

    "Deconstructing obesity: the face of fatness before and after the discovery of leptin. " 
    Grayson, B., and R. Seeley. "Deconstructing obesity: the face of fatness before and after the discovery of leptin. " Diabetologia  55.1 (2012): 3. ProQuest Health and Medical Complete, ProQuest. Web.  11 Dec. 2011.