Period: to
NICARAGUA - armed conflict between cons and sandisnistas
The armed conflict between cons and sandinistas left approximately 31 thousand killed, 20,000 wounded, 10 thousand kidnapped, 350,000 thousand refugees and 200,000 displaced persons. -
Period: to
International Peace day established and celebrated yearly
NICARAGUA - establishment of CIAV and OAS collaboration
International Commission of Support and verification (CIAV) is establoshed to monitor the demobilization and reintegration of armed groups and illegal Nicaraguans in the civil society. -
Organization of American States assumes an active and proactive role in peaceful resolutions of disputes.
Period: to
Period: to
NICARAGUA - repatriation program launched
The repatriation programme was launched
on July 5, 1990 and ended on 28
in November of that same year. For
the reception, care and the transfer
of the returnees to their places of
destination, the CIAV-OAS organized a network
national of reception centres and
transit centres. -
Period: to
SURINAME - Special Mission
SURINAME - OAS and the Government of Suriname sign agreement for the establishment of the Special Mission for the Strengthening of the Democracy and the promotion of peace in Suriname
The purpose of the mission
was to provide support to the
Government of Suriname for
formalize and safeguard a
lasting peace, as well as for
strengthening institutions
national and the process of
democratization in the country. -
SURINAME - peace agreement signed
Government of Suriname and
representatives of the groups of
illegal arms signed an
"Agreement for the
Reconciliation and development
also known
as peace agreement.
The peace agreement, provided
from the very beginning by the
OAS, put an end to six years of
conflict to the interior of the country
among residents of
rural communities
predominantly maroon
and Native American and the Government -
In 1992 the OAS creates a civilian mission to facilitate the re-establishment and strengthening of democratic institutions and the full effectiveness of the Constitution, ensure respect for human rights, and assist in the administration of Justice and the functioning of appropriate institutions (OAS-DEMOC). -
HAITI - Establishment of MICIVIH
In February 1993, at the request of President Aristide, the international civilian mission in Haiti (MICIVIH), was established. This was a joint mission from the OAS and the UN that evolved to starting from the core of the OAS-DEMOC, with the mandate of verifying the respect of human rights in the country. -
Period: to
HAITI - International Civil Mission of the OAS/UN
Period: to
GUATEMALA: Support and Construction of Democratization and establishment of peace
GUATEMALA: TheSpecial program of the OAS for the democratic consolidation, Peace, reconstruction and Reconciliation in Guatemala
GUATEMALA: General Assembly adopts AG/RES 1466
In 1997, the General Assembly
It adopted resolution AG/RES.
1466 which expanded the
components of the program
referral, focusing on
particular areas of
democratic institutions,
conflict resolution,
education for democracy,
electoral reform, the conclusion
of the demining process and the
reintegration into society of
people involved in the
internal armed conflict or
affected by this. -
GUATEMALA: OAS support program agreement
On July 18, 2001 a framework agreement between the GS/OAS and the Government of Guatemala, called "The OAS support program" is signed to strengthen the Democratic institutions in Guatemala -
Period: to
HAITI - Special mission for stregnthening democracy
Established by the OAS -
VENEZUELA: Permanent Council of the OAS condemns the alteration of constitutional order
On April 13, 2002 the Permanent Council of the OAS condemned the
alteration of constitutional order in Venezuela, the regrettable events of
violence that caused loss of human lives, called to the
normalization of democratic institutions, and an led mission
by the Secretary General to investigate and advance efforts to
It considered necessary to restore constitutional order. -
COLOMBIA: MAPP-OEA Established (Mission of support for the peace process in Colombia)
Period: to
Special Missions to Bolivia,Ecuador,Haiti and Nicaragua
During 2005 the OAS deployed special missions to Bolivia, Ecuador, Haiti and Nicaragua, in response to express requests made by each one of the countries, in order to contribute to the prevention and resolution of conflicts that could be generated in them. -
COLOMBIA: IFC (International Forensic Committee) formed by OAS
On 27 July 2007 the Secretary-General of the OASdecided to form an international forensic Committee (IFC), whose mission would be to contribute to the determination of the conditions in which eleven Colombian deputies died who had been kidnapped for more than five years by the
Colombia (FARC) revolutionary armed forces. -
Inter-American Forum of peace launched
Permanent part of the OAS