• 2000 BCE

    Book 1

    Book 1
    Athena ask Zues what to do about odysseus problem stuck in the sea
  • 2000 BCE

    Book 1

    Book 1
    Athean disguises herself asa mentes to go talk to telemachus
  • 2000 BCE

    Book 1

    Book 1
    Telemahcus yells at suitors
  • 1999 BCE

    Book 2

    Book 2
    the assembly is called
  • 1999 BCE

    Book 2

    Book 2
    birds attack to show that odysseus is still alive
  • 1999 BCE

    Book 2

    Book 2
    A old man will find a ship to give ti telemachus
  • 1998 BCE

    Book 3

    Book 3
    they making a offering to poseidon
  • 1998 BCE

    book 3

    book 3
    a talk started about the gods aren't on their side
  • 1998 BCE

    book 3

    book 3
    athean showed herself to everyone
  • 1997 BCE

    book 4

    book 4
    telemachues goes to sparta for help to find his father
  • 1997 BCE

    book 4

    book 4
    the king offers to help telemachues find his father
  • 1997 BCE

    book 4

    book 4
    they go to find the god who can change into any animal
  • 1997 BCE

    book 4

    the god joins him to help
  • 1997 BCE

    book 4

    the man lost his ship and waiting for it
  • 1997 BCE

    book 4

    telemachus mother found out he has left
  • 1996 BCE

    book 5

    book 5
    odysseus is sent free from the island
  • 1996 BCE

    Book 5

    Book 5
    Odysseus has to make a shaft to leave the island
  • 1996 BCE

    book 5

    book  5
    Poseidon destroys odysseus ship
  • 1996 BCE

    book 5

    book 5
    a mermaid helps odysseus find a island to land at
  • 1996 BCE

    book 5

    book 5
    odysseus finds the island to land at
  • 1996 BCE

    book 5

    book 5
    the mermaid gives him a rope around his waist to be safe
  • 1995 BCE

    book 6

    book 6
    meets nausicaa
  • 1995 BCE

    book 6

    book 6
    she gives him clothes
  • 1995 BCE

    book 6

    book 6
    he meets her daughter
  • 1994 BCE

    book 7

    book 7
    he begs the queen for mercy
  • 1994 BCE


    they gave him a place to stay for the night
  • 1993 BCE

    book 8

    book 8
    odysseus will travel with them after the games
  • 1993 BCE

    book 8

    book 8
    he throws a puck farther than anyone
  • 1992 BCE

    book 9

    book 9
    odysseus talks on how he killed cyclone
  • 1992 BCE

    book 9

    book 9
    he killed him by putting a stick through his one eye he had and odysseus got away
  • 1992 BCE

    book 9

    book 9
    odysseus gets cursed by cyclone for his dad to get
  • 1991 BCE

    book 10

    book 10
    odysseus gets help from no one to go back home
  • 1990 BCE

    book 11

    book 11
    odysseus meets his mother and the people hr fought with
  • 1990 BCE

    book 11

    he knows how to get home now
  • 1889 BCE

    book 12

    book 12
    odysseus does his task to get home
  • 1889 BCE

    book 12

    book 12
    Zues hits odysseus with lighting
  • 1889 BCE

    book 12

    dyssues tells how what happens before and then now
  • 1888 BCE

    book 13

    odysseus gets stuck on another island
  • 1888 BCE

    book 13

    book 13
    he gets disguise as an old man to spy on the people
  • 1887 BCE

    book 14

    book 14
    odysseus goes back home to talk to a man
  • 1887 BCE

    book 14

    they make a bet that odysseus will come back
  • 1886 BCE

    book 15

    book 15
    telemachus is coming back home with a man named theolymunes
  • 1885 BCE

    book 16

    book 16
    odysseus reveals himself to his son
  • 1885 BCE

    book 16

    they are going to kill all the suitors
  • 1885 BCE

    book 16

    the suitors look for telemachus but can't find him
  • 1884 BCE

    book 17

    book 17
    he sees his dog he use to fight with
  • 1884 BCE

    book 17

    he sees the suitors for the first time
  • 1883 BCE

    book 18

    odysseus is going to fight a man
  • 1883 BCE

    book 18

    he knocks out the man and rest
  • 1882 BCE

    book 19

    he meets his wife for the first time.
  • 1882 BCE

    book 19

    book 19
    the person who use take care of him finds out it's odysseus
  • 1881 BCE

    book 20

    odysseus and telemachus start their plan
  • 1880 BCE

    book 21

    book 21
    telemachus and penelope start a challenge with a bow
  • 1880 BCE

    book 21

    no one can do it so odysseus gives it a try