Nya And Salva

  • Salva running into the bush

  • Group Leaves Salva Behind in a Barn

  • Salva Finds Another Group to go With

  • Salva Finds his Uncle

  • Salva's Uncle Dies

  • Salva gets to Ethiopa

  • Gets to Kenya

  • Salva gets to New York

  • Salva Finds his Father

    He Found his Father some time between 2005-2007
  • Nya Gets a Thorn in Her Foot on Her Way to Get Water

  • Nya Takes Akeer on Her Second Trip to Get water

  • Nya Waits for Water in a Hole That She Dug

  • Nya's Sibling, Akeer Gets Ill

  • Nya's Parents Decide to Take Akeer to a Doctor

  • Well is Started in Nya's Village

  • Drill Reaches Water in Nya's Village

  • THe Well is Built in Nya's Village

  • Nya And Salva Meet