Nutrition throughout the Life Cycle - ( Anabell and Caitlin )

By cwav101
  • Pregnacy/Lactation

    Foods to avoid:
    -raw and undercooked meats, poultry, seafood, and egg dishes
    -unpasteurized milk and juices Special Nutritional Needs:
    -protein (to help build muscle tissue in mother)
    -calcium (to strengthen bones and teeth)
    -iron (to help baby build up iron reserves for birth)
  • Infancy ( Birth to 12 months )

    Infancy ( Birth to 12 months )
    Foods to avoid:
    - milk, eggs, fish, shellfish, treenuts, peanuts, and wheat.
    - soybeans should be avoided until the baby is older due to food allergens. Special nutritional needs
    -vitamin K
    -vitamin D ( strengthen bones )
  • Toddler ( 1 & 2 year olds )

    Toddler ( 1 & 2 year olds )
    Foods to avoid;
    -slippery foods such as grapes, large pieces of meats, hotdogs.
    -small hard foods such as nuts, popcorn, pretzels, raisins, etc.
    -sticky foods such as marshmellows and peanut butter. Special nutrional needs:
    - protein ( meat, beans, eggs )
    -calcium ( milk )
    -grains ( bread and cereal )
    -fruits and vegetables
  • Preschool ( 3 & 4 year olds )

    Preschool ( 3 & 4 year olds )
    Foods to avoid;
    - food allergens that are included in milk, eggs, peanuts, soybeans, wheat, fish, and shellfish. Special nutrional needs:
    - iron
  • School aged ( ages 5-12 )

    School aged ( ages 5-12 )
    Foods to avoid:
    -snack foods that are high in calories ( ex: chips, candy, soda ) Special nutritional needs:
    - Grains
    - vegetables
    - fruits
  • Teenage (13-17)

    Teenage (13-17)
    Foods to Avoid:
    - anything fried
    -sugary cereals
    -soft drinks
    -stewed or jelly fruits Special Nutritional Foods:
    -dietary fat
    -vitamins and minerals
  • Adults (18+)

    Adults (18+)
    Foods to Avoid:
    -soft drinks
    -pre-made icing
    -frosted donuts
    -instant noodles
    -chips Special Nutritional Foods
    -vitamins and minerals
    -fruits and vegetables
    -whole grains
  • Older Adults (50+)

    Older Adults (50+)
    Foods to Avoid:
    -raw or undercooked eggs
    -raw or undercooked poultry/meats
    -raw or unpastuerized milk
    -raw sprouts
    Special Nutritional Foods:
    -vitamins A,C, an E