Health nutrients med

Nutrition throughout the Life Cycle (Alex and Suzanne)

  • Pregnancy and Lactation

    Pregnancy and Lactation
    Foods to Indulge in include...
    -• Calcium
    • Spinach
    • Citrus fruits
    • Beans
    • Bread
    • Cereals
    • Rice
    • Pastas
    • Asparagus
    • Broccoli
    • Avocadoes
    • Carrots
    • Celery Some Foods to Avoid Include...
    • Caffeine
    • Fish
    • Some chocolates
    • Parsley / peppermint
    • Dairy
    • Peanuts
    • Garlic
    • Prunes
    • Eggs
    • Sushi
    • Uncooked deli meats
  • Infancy

    During infacy it is very important to provide foods high in calcium, and iron to help the body continue growing. It is also good to introduce solid food such as single grain cereals , fruits and egg yolks.
    But during infancy it is also very important to avoid foods such as whole milk , shell fish, strawberries, nuts, beans, and broccoli because they could trigger either a food allegen or intolerance.
  • Toddler

    The foods that toddlers need to have are; whole milk, and other dairy products like (full-fat yogurt and cottage cheese), they can also eat same foods as the rest of the family but mashed or chopped into bite size pieces. Other foods that they need are; iron fortified cereals, other gains, fruits, vegges, and proteins.
  • Preschool

    Is able to start choosing there foods. but the foods need to be like; lowfat milk, other dairy, iron fortified cereal other grains, fruits, dried fruit, vegges, protein. Preschoolers have to limited on how much they eat a day. Even if they can choose there food its usually not the right type of food they should be eating.
  • School-Aged Kids

    School-Aged Kids
    During school-age it is imperative that children consume enough calcium to help their bones grow stong enough for adulthood. It is also good to feed them iron to help them feel energized and concentrate more while learning. Foods high in vitamin C are also reccommended to help fight germs and infections since children at this age tend to be exposed to more infectious enviroments.
    But during this age the consumption of fast-foods, caffiene and added sugars should be avoided.
  • Teen-aged

    During the teenage years, nutrional needs vary between both males and females. Females should consume more iron to prevent developing anemia, and more calcium to strenghten their bones so they dont develop osteoporosis later in life. Males should consume more carbs becuase they tend to brun more energy.
    Both genders should avoid high caffinated drinks because they tend to cause a lack of sleep, which is imperative during this stage of life.
  • Adults 18+

    Adults 18+
    Young males of the ages (18-24) should have about eight servings of grains each day, at least five of which should be whole grain. Things to avoid are foods with very high sugar.
  • Older Adults

    Older Adults
    For older adults you want to watch what you eat other wise you`ll start gaining wieght and blood pressure raises and a lot of bad things start to happen. For older adults you should eat fruits, vegges, grains and whole grains, seafood and lean meats as well.