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Number the Stars

  • German Jews lost their citizenship

    German Jews lost their citizenship and ability to marry in Germany.
  • Period: to

    World War ll

  • Jewish synagogues are burned

    Jewish synagogues are burned
    More than 1,000 synagogues were burned, thousands of Jewish businesses were looted, and 30,000 Jews were arrested.
  • World War ll starts

    World War ll starts
    It has been three years since the war started in Denmark.
  • Adolf Hitler invades Denmark

    At 4:15 a.m., German forces crossed the border into neutral Denmark and Denmark surrenders.
  • Lise Johansen dies

    Lise was Annemarie’s sister and part of the Resistance; a German military car ran her down.
  • Many Jews died or got killed by the Nazis

    Jews were transported to concentration camps where they worked to death or got killed.
  • The Nazis are on the street at every corner

    Annemarie, Kirsti and Ellen are stopped by German soldiers on the street.
  • War is raging through Europe and parts of Asia

    Adolf Hitler conquers many countries, including Czechoslovakia, Poland, Russia, and Belarus.
  • Danish king rides through the streets

    Danish king rides through the streets
    Annemarie decides that she too is one of the Danish King's bodyguards.
  • The Johansen’s gather for their “Great Aunt Birte’s” funeral

    Great Aunt Birte is a fake aunt.
  • The Danes sank their own navy

    The Danes didn’t want the Germans to take their ships for their own use.
  • The German soldiers come to Copenhagen

    Annemarie sees the soldiers every day, since she lives in Copenhagen.
  • German forces surrender

    The Nazis are finally defeated and the world is free again.