Ellen and Annemarie were having a race then a Nazi soldier ordered them to halte.(Page 2) -
Jewish Shops Are Closed.
Nazi soldiers closed all shops ran by Jewish citizens. (Page 21) -
King Christian X
A brave young boy tells a Nazi soldier that all of Denmark would die for their king.(Page 12/13) -
Danish Navy
King Christian X was so wise he did not fight the Nazis because he knew they would lose,and he even blew up his own Navy to keep it out of Nazi hands.(Page 32) -
Elllen Moves In
Annemaries family takes in Ellen (because she is a Jew),and they pretend she is part of the family.This is because the Nazis are now putting the Jews in concentration camps (Page 34) -
Synagoge Names Taken
The Nazis take the names of all the Jews and plan to arrest them.This means moving them to concentration camps.
(Page 35) -
Nazis plan to arrest all the Danish Jews. (Page 37) -
Nazis In School
Nazi soldiers might look for Jewish children in school so Ellen,
Annemarie and her family is going to take a little vacation.
(Page 51) -
Annemarie,Annemarie mother,Kirsti and Ellen go to their uncle Henriks cottage to keep Ellen away from the Nazis,who are trying to arrest all of the Danish Jews.(Page 52). -
Annemaries father was talking in code to Henrik,so that Ellen could ot hear them and get super scared.(Page 53). -
Nazis In Trains
Annemarie,Ellen,Kristi,and Mama were visting Uncle Henrik. Soldiers came on the train and asked people questions.
(Page 55) -
Kirsti Almost Gets Them All Killed.
When the soldiers are walking down the train isles,Kirsti tells them a bunch of secret informatoin about Ellen,but luckily the soldiers do not catch on to Kirsti's loudmouthing.(Page 55). -
Safe Arrival.
The girls and Annes mom arrive safely at uncle Henricks and for the first day have a calm,safe playtime.(Page 61). -
They had applesauce for dinner,but there was no sugar cause the Nazis ratoned EVERYTHING.(Page 64). -
At dinner that night,there is no laughter like normal,probably because some plan is forming that involves Ellen.(Page 66). -
Great Aunt Birte (The Fake)
The grown ups tell Annemarie and all of the other children that a relative named Great Aunt Birte has died.Annemarie knoes something very suspicous is hapening,because she knows there never was a Great Aunt Birte.There was even a coffin with unknown contents in it. (Page 73). -
Uncle Henrik finaly confessed that he and Annes mother were lyng,Soon after that a few jews come(including Ellens parents) and also attend the[false] funeral.(Pages 76-81) -
Uncle Henrik Leaves
Once all of the people are there,Uncle Henrik announces that he has to go fish (But he actualy goes to set up hisboat for their secret voyage.)(Page 83) -
Nazis Come
Everyone is settling down when several soldiers bust in and ask whats happening.They talk to the soldiers politely and they leave,without doing any physical harm.(Page 85 and 86). -
The coffin turns out to be filled with blankets and other warm clothing.(Page 88 and 89). -
Baby Drugged
Peter Nielson(a resistance leader) gives the baby a drug so it will not awake and alert some Nazi soldiers.(Page 90). -
Group # 1 Leaves
Peter leads the first group to where Uncle Henrik is waiting by his boat.(Page 91). -
Jews Leave
All of the Jews that attended the fake funeral headed to the boat with Peter or Annes mother.(Page 93 and 94). -
Broken Ankle
Anne finds her mom just off the property witha broken ankle(she broke it tripping over a root)and helped her inside.She reported that all the Jews where safe with uncle Henrik.(Page 101 and 102) -
Annes mom finds a very important package that the Jews need on there mission and is asked to bring it to them.(Page 105). -
Soldiers And Dogs
Annemarie is stopped bye four soldiers and theire dogs who ask her a bunch of questions,they even take everything but the package.Luckily,Annemarie gets away with the package(a special scented hankerchief).(Pages 113-118). -
Hankerchief Delivered
Anne succesfully gives Henrik the hankerchief.(Page 119) -
Mama goes to the hospital to get her ankle fixed.(Page 124). -
Escape To Sweden
The Jews arrive safely in Sweden.(Page 126) -
Peter Killed
Peter was caught and shot by the Nazis and Annes parents tell her the true story of her sister Lises death.(Page 130). -
War Ends
The war ended and all of Denmark rejoiced!(Page 132)