
  • Tariff Of Abominations (of 1828)

    This tariff protected industry in the North
  • Exposition

    Calhoun's exposition was printed and distributed out and it stated that the government was putting industry over agriculture
  • 2 Radicals put in office

    James Hamilton and Henry Pickney were put into governor and house speaker, both had were high up members of the radical party taking over SC.
  • Senator Haynes Speech

    Justifying South Carolina's reasoning for leaving the Union. Arguing states rights. (States do not have the authority to nullify a federal law.)
  • Webster's Reply

    He replied to Haynes speech commenting on his thoughts of it, and how Hayne presented how they should leave the Union. He then goes on to say that the Union is what has done best for the Country and will continue to do great things. Arguing for the Federal side
  • tariff of 1832

    Was supposed to be a remedy to the people that were upset by the tariff of 1828, (1828 tariff protected industry and upset the agriculture side of people).
  • Nullification Convention Met

    The nullification convention met and decided that the Tariffs of 1828 and 1832 were unconstitutional.
  • Proc to SC

    The government of SC threatened to Succeed from the United States during the presidency of Andrew Jackson
  • Force Bill

    Gives the right to use force, military will do it.
  • Clays tariff bill

    this bill stated, "all of duties in excess of 20 percent of the year value of the goods imported were to be reduced year by year, so that by 1842 the duties on all articles would reach the level of the moderate tariff of 1816."