Nullification Crisis

  • Tariff of Abominations

    Tariff of Abominations
    Tariff of Abominations was another protective tariff that was made to protect industries in the Northern of United States. It mostly effected the Southern of United States because they depended mostly on Europe trading resources.
  • The South Carolina of Expositions and Protest

    The South Carolina of Expositions and Protest
    The South Carolina of Expositions and Protest was it declared that had the “right to nullify oppressive national legislation”. The purpose was it express how the South truly felt about theTariff Abominations of 1828. They believed it was unconstitutional so they united to nullify it.
  • The Ordinance of Nullification

    The Ordinance of Nullification
    The Ordinance of Nullification was a convention where many politicians and other states rights supporters met to discuss and declared that Tariffs of 1828 and 1832 to be “null,void, no law ” within states. They threaten to separate if the federal government enforce tariffs again.
  • The Tariff of 1832

    The Tariff of 1832
    The Tariffs of 1832 was the government trying to satisfy the South by lowering the price due to the tariffs of 1828 which made tariffs higher in price. The South wasn’t satisfied and didn’t change their view on the situation however the North enjoyed it because it brung resources and people.
  • Jackson’s Proclamation Against Nullification

    Jackson’s Proclamation Against Nullification
    Jackson made this proclamation because it basically states the South Carolina was part of the union no matter what and if they have an problem regarding the issues they cannot separate from the union. He threaten South Carolina with death threats for those didn’t pay. So South Carolina was furious while North agreed with Jackson due to them wanting more land and industries.
  • Hayne’s Counter Proclamation’s

    Hayne’s Counter Proclamation’s
    Hayne’s Counter Proclamation was about Hayne believing that if a state doesn’t like it or see it as unconstitutional then they are able to void and nullify it. The South supported him because to stuck up for them unlike Jackson. Also North did not support him.
  • The Force Bill

    The Force Bill
    The Force Bill was about Jackson being furious finding out about South Carolina voiding paying for tariffs so he sent troops to South Carolina to try and force people living there to pay for tariffs. He did this to show that the union will not break up because of the South so he’s doing anything to keep everyone united.
  • Clays Compromise

    Clays Compromise
    Clays Compromise was about Henry Clay and John Calhoun believed to resolve the Nullification Crisis was to follow through with Tariffs of 1833. This made both the North and South satisfied because it decreased taxes. This continued until the next decades which made everyone happy and united.
  • Compromise Tariff of 1833

    Compromise Tariff of 1833
    The Compromise Tariff of 1833 was resolution that decreased taxes and made the South and the North happy. Due to the Tariffs of 1828 and 1832 being so high it could had led to an war or more problems in general. But it avoided these problems by coming up with this compromise.