Nullification Crisis

  • Tariff of 1828

    This was a tariff passed by Congress that was used to protect industries in Northern U.S. It would tax European imported goods, and Southerners wanted nullification of those taxes.
  • SC Exposition

    This was written by John C. Calhoun and it was a protest against taxes and he said he didn't like the taxes because they were unconstitutional.
  • Tariff of 1832

    This was a tariff created to lower the taxes and it decreased the amount of conflict. It still wasn't good enough for the people of South Carolina.
  • SC Nullification Ordinance

    This was enacted in 1832 because South Carolina were the ones being affected by all the tariffs, and the people of South Carolina claimed they shouldn't have to pay anything.
  • Jackson's Proclamation

    This was issued to South Carolina, and he stated that the states can't nullify federal laws, and he also stated it was treason so if you supported it you were a traitor.
  • Force Bill

    This bill was in response to the conflict happening in South Carolina, and the bill allowed use of force by using the army or navy to collect taxes or enforce laws in the U.S.
  • Compromise of 1833

    This was made to end the Nullification Crisis and solve the issues. This was passed by Congress and it would lower tariff rates for the next ten years.