Nullification Crisis

  • Period: to

    Nullification Crisis

  • Tariff of 1828

    Protective tariff on imported goods to protect northern industry
  • The South Carolina Exposition and Protest

    To express the unhappiness of the south with the tariff of 1828
  • Hayne-Webster Debate

    Webster wanted Nationalism
    Hayne wanted State's rights
  • Tariff of 1832

    a protectionist tariff that reduced the tariffs created earlier in an attempt to resolve conflicts that arose with the tariff of 1828
  • Jackson has a proclamation against nullification

    President Jackson prepared troops to South Carolina to collect the revenue but never went. He instead urged Congress to pass a bill that would allow him to use military force to ensure tariffs.
  • The Ordinance of Nullification

    The Ordinance of Nullification declared the tariffs of 1828 and of 1832 null and void.
  • The Force Bill

    The bill allowed Jackson to use the army and navy to collect the revenue from the tariffs of 1828 and 1832
  • South Carolina Repeal of Nullification

    Congress passed a new tariff that was satisfactory for South Carolina, who in turn repealed their Ordinance of Nullification.
  • Compromise Tariff of 1833

    It slowly reduced the other tariffs. The states demanded the backing down of the nullification, and the avoidance of a large-scale conflict.