
Nullification Crisis

  • Tariff of 1828

    This was supposed to protect the Northern states from foreign competition, raising taxes on imported goods preventing European places from buying goods from the South. This raised the south's cost of living.
  • Tariff of 1832

    Tariff of 1832
    This tariff was passed to make the South Carolinians less angry. It lowered taxes on imports by 35%. They were still unsatisfied.
  • The Ordinance of Nullification

    The Ordinance of Nullification
    This was the South Carolinians response to both tariffs saying that they were null and void.
  • The Nullification Proclamation

    The Nullification Proclamation
    This was Andrew Jackson's response to sc stated the federal rights and explaining how tariffs and taxes are reserved rights for the federal government.
  • Force Bill

    Force Bill
    This was a law that was passed to give the US President the power to use the military to enforce taxes when states refuse.
  • Compromise Tariff of 1833

    Compromise Tariff of 1833
    Henry Clay and John Calhoun helped make a law to lower the tax that would make everyone happy.