
Nullification Crisis

By KyleeJ
  • Tariff of 1828

    Tariff of 1828
    Also known as the Tariff of Abominations was passed in May of 1828 to protect the industrial centers the Northeast from the European counterparts.
  • Webster-Haynes Debates

    Webster-Haynes Debates
    Congress debates over the South and it's growing opposition to the protectives tariffs protecting the industry of the Northeast. Another instance of State versus Federal government powers.
  • South Carolina Veto

    South Carolina Veto
    In 1832, the South Carolina legislature voted to "veto" the tariff, declaring it unconstitutional.
  • Force Bill

    Force Bill
    Gave the President (Andrew Jackson at the time) authority to use the military to keep South Carolina in line.
  • Compromise Tariff Act of 1833

    Compromise Tariff Act of 1833
    Reduced the taxes on imported industrial goods imposed by the Tariff of 1828.