Nullification Crisis

  • Tariff of 1828 (Tariff of Abominations)

    Tariff of 1828 (Tariff of Abominations)
    Jackson placed a protective trade tariff to help the industries in the North, this led to trouble in the South because of the raised prices.
  • South Carolina Exposition and Protest

    South Carolina Exposition and Protest
    John C. Calhoun wrote this to show the resistance against the protective tariff.
  • Ships Placed in Charleston Harbor

    Ships Placed in Charleston Harbor
    President Jackson placed ships, including a Man-of-War, in Charleston harbor to try and force the dissident South Carolinians into submission.
  • Tariff of 1832

    Tariff of 1832
    This tariff tried to fix where the 1828 version failed and reduced the rates of taxes down to 35%,
  • Nullification Convention of SC

    Nullification Convention of SC
    South Carolina deems the tariffs unconstitutional and threatens to succeed from the Union.
  • Proclamation to the People of South Carolina

    Proclamation to the People of South Carolina
    Jackson's response to the threat of succession from South Carolina calling them traitors if they did so with force.
  • Mobilization of Militants for Defense

    Mobilization of Militants for Defense
    South Carolina uses their militia and forms a stronger military to protect them if they feel the need to actionize their threats.
  • Force Bill is Passed

    Force Bill is Passed
    The Force Bill is passed by Congress and the President to give the latter the power to use the military to suppress revolutions.
  • Compromise Tariff of 1833

    Compromise Tariff of 1833
    This tariff was used to please the southern states while still protecting the northern states and their industry.