Nullification Crisis

  • Tariff of ambitions

    Tariff of ambitions
    Tariff of ambitions which was a protective tariff that supported growing domestic industries by raising the price of imported goods.
  • Jackson address the issues

    Jackson issued a resounding proclamation against the nullifiers.
  • Congress passes the 1828 tariff

    Congress passes the 1828 tariff
    Congress passed and Jackson signed a bill that revised the 1828 tariff downward, but it was not enough to satisfy most South Carolinians.
  • Jackson’s response to the South Carolina

    Jackson’s response to the South Carolina
    Jackson’s response to the South Carolina threat, he sent seven small naval vessels and a man-of-war to Charleston
  • They passed the bill

    Clay’s tariff bill quickly passed, specifying that all duties in excess of 20 percent of the values of the goods imported.