Nullification Crisis

By Louis15
  • Tariffs of Abomination

    Tariffs of Abomination
    South Carolina felt that these tariffs were unfair, because they only helped the Northern manufacturers grow, while not doing anything to help the southern economy. South Carolinas desire to get rid of this law was the basis for the nullification crisis.
  • Protectionist Tariff

    Protectionist Tariff
    The "Protectionist tariff" was passed in an attempt to subdue the unrest building in South Carolina. It slightly lowered the levies. This was not enough for South Carolina and they would go on to adopt an Ordinance of Nullification.
  • Ordinance of Nullification

    Ordinance of Nullification
    The Ordinance of Nullification declared the tariffs of 1828 and 1832 null and void. It was the second time a state had deemed a government law null and void (Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions). Within the state, laws were passed to enforce the ordinance; things like building an army and appropriating arms.
  • Nullification Proclamation

    Nullification Proclamation
    In response to the Ordinance of Nullification, President Andrew Jackson made a nullification proclamation. Within this proclamation, President Jackson told South Carolina it stood on "the brink of insurrection and treason,". He informed South Carolina that he would lead the U.S. army against them if it was necessary. He called on the people of South Carolina to oppose the Ordinance of Nullification and reassert their allegiance to the Union.
  • The Compromise Tariff

    The Compromise Tariff
    Senator Henry Clay devised the Compromise Tariff as a way to end the Nullification Crisis. The tariff would basically work by yearly reducing duties that exceeded 20 percent of the value of imported goods. The Nullification Crisis would end with both sides claiming they had won, President Jackson defended the union, and South Carolina showed that a single state could force its will upon congress and get its way.