The tariff of 1828 was where they raised taxes on the goods by almost 50% that were imported from foreign states. The reason this had to be done was in order to make sure that the competition with America was very little. This caused a lot fo corruption for the farmers in the South and for southerners as well because it made everything more expensive. Also, the southerners were mad because they felt as though the North was being benefited their industry. -
South Carolina Expansion
The South Carolina Expansion was where former John C. Calhoun wrote two papers going against the Tarriff of 1828. The reason he ddi this was in. order to protest and point out the problems with the Tariff. -
Tariff of 1832
The Tariffs of 1832 was where Jackson passed a bill in order to attempt to come back from the Tariffs of 1828 and what problems it caused in the South. What they did to do this was reduce the taxes a little in order to solve the corruptions with the economy, but it still wasn't enough to solve it. The Southerners still saw the taxing as unconstitutional. -
Proclamation By Jackson
The Proclamation Written by Jackson was Witten in response to the Nullification written by South Carolina in order to tell them that they are not aloud to disregard laws put in place y the federal government. -
South Carolina Nullification
The South Carolina Nullification was a response to the federal government from South Carolina. It threatened the federal government saying that if they forced taxes upon them that they will withdraw. -
Force Bill
The force bill was a bill put in place in response to South Carolinas Nullification. This bill allowed Jackson to send troops into South Carolina to make sure laws such as tariffs are being followed. -
Compromise Tariff of 1833
In order to compromise with both the government and South Carolina to calm the differences they had, both Henry Clay and John Calhoun helped lower taxes in a span of a decade which finally ended the crisis. How this was done was it lowered tariffs that were over the percentage of 20 one tenth biyearly. -
Nullification Repeal
Even though they were still upset about the tariffs and the effects of it, the South Carolina Convention came together in order to take away the Nullification Ordinance because it was ignored by the federal government and caused even more problems.