nullification crisis

  • tariff of 1824

    influenced by Henry clay to protect industries from inexpensive British goods
  • Period: to

    nullification crisis

  • tariff of 1828

    protective tariff on imported goods to protect northern industry
  • south Carolina exposition

    a response to the tariff of ambitions that reinforced the idea of nullification and claimed the tariff to be unconstitutional
  • fort hill address

    debate over nullification for the first time
  • tariff of 1832

    the Tariff of 1832 was another protective tariff that was passed on July 14, 1832 to reduced the existing tariffs as remedy for the conflict created by the 1828 tax referred to as the Tariff of Abominations
  • president election

    Andrew Jackson wins re-election with Martin Van Buren as his
    running mate.
  • first South Carolina Nullification

    south Carolina didn't like the tariff imposed so they decided to nullify the tariff on the goods
  • Jackson's Proclamation Against Nullification

    the cause of the first nullification of south Carolina lead to Jackson stating that the states have no right to nullify anything
  • Hayne's Counter Proclomation

    because of what Jackson did Haynes dint like it and said if nullifying wasn't right then that means the constitutions shouldn't be followed
  • South Carolina Repeal of Nullification

    south Carolina took a major hit in its economy leading them to repeal the nullification and to protect the industries goods