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Nullification Crisis- Lauren Wallace

  • Tariff of Abominations

    Tariff of Abominations
    This tariff was made so that way foreign competition with our manufacturing would decrease. It did this by raising taxes on imported manufacturers. This made the South view this tariff as an abomination because they thought this only benefited the Northern manufacturers, which would only make the South poor.
  • Ordinance of Nullification

    Ordinance of Nullification
    Congress and Jackson changed the tariff to go down, but that was not enough for the South. So the state take matters into its own hand and adopted the Ordinance of Nullification. This would declare the tariffs of 1828 and 1832 null and void within their state.
  • Jackson Sent Seven Small Naval Vessels

    Jackson Sent Seven Small Naval Vessels
    South Carolina raised an army to enforce the ordinance, so Jackson saw the South as a threat. This is why he sent seven small naval vessels to Charleston. Jackson thought that the ordinance was a threat to the Union and South Carolina was raising an army which made it more of a serious matter.
  • Jackson's Proclamation

    Jackson's Proclamation
    After sending the naval vessels Jacksons also took another approach to stop the Ordinance of Nullification, and this was done by addressing the people. He gave the people of South Carolina a proclamation to tell them his views about the ordinance. He told them how he saw as a threat to the Union and viewed it as an act of treason because it goes against the principles of the Constitution.
  • Henry Clay's Tariff Bill

    Henry Clay's Tariff Bill
    This bill was passed to reduce taxes on goods by 20 percent imported year after year, which means in 1842 the tax on all goods would be the same level as the tariff in 1816. Henry Clay was a political rival of Jackson, but Clay is also a devoted Unionist and a good representative of protection.
  • Force Act

    Force Act
    This act was passed by congress at the same time as Herny Clay's Tariff Bill. The reason Congress passed this act was to give the president power to use military force to enforce laws.