Tariff of Abominations
These tariffs were protective tariffs designed to protect the industry of the northern states. This would greatly harm the southern economy because of how much they relied on trade. -
South Carolina Exposition and Protest
John C. Calhoun wrote the South Carolina Exposition and Protest to describe how unhappy the southern states were with the tariffs. His main argument was that they were unconstitutional and should not be allowed. -
Tariff of 1832
These tariffs reduce the affects of the original tariffs in 1828 but would still have protective tariffs around. -
Jackson's Proclamation Against Nullification
Instead of Andrew Jackson sending troops to South Carolina to collect revenue for the tariffs, he proposed to congress the idea to use military forces to enforce the tariffs. -
The Ordinance of Nullification
This nullification would cause both the 1832 and 1828 tariffs to become void. -
The Force Bill
This bill allowed Andrew Jackson to use the military to collect the taxes from the tariffs. -
South Carolina Repeal of the Nullification
John C. Calhoun and Henry Clay came up with a compromise for Congress to create South Carolina there own tariff. -
Compromise Tariff of 1833
They would back down on such force for the tariffs and how harsh of the tariffs to avoid conflict among states.