Nullification Crisis

  • South carolina exposition

    This was a response to the tariff of abominations. They claimed that it was unconstitutional and that the states had any right to nullify the tariffs.
  • Tariff of 1828

    This was used for protection in the north and the west from things such as placing taxes on foreign goods. This also made living more expensive in the south which upset the democrats, but Calhoun made the call and went through with it.
  • Tariff act of 1832

    This was passed to resolve the reducing tax rates to help resolve the conflict of the tariff of abominations. The southerners at this point were still upset about the high prices and found it still unconstitutional.
  • Jackson proclamation against nullification

    Jackson took the time to speak out on behalf of the southerners and say that this was rather unconstitutional and they(the states) do not have a right to nullify any federal law.
  • Hayne's Counter Proclamation

    After Jackson's saying Hayne claimed that if a state is being oppressed then the states have the right to deem it unconstitutional. The actions Hayne did was sending troops to the south to continue to nullify the federal tariffs because of the south anger.
  • Repeal of nullification

    The south was still angry about the taxes and the high prices being put on them but, they ended up coming up with a repeal of their nullification of the tariffs and it was placed as a protection of the northern industries to try to have the power to nullify those tariffs.