Tariff of Abominations
the Tariff of abominations or the Tariff 1828 was a tariff act instilled to protect northern industries from competition with foreign items by making the foreign items more expensive than domestic items. but on the other side of this, southern states (South Carolina) relied on foreign imports for selling and trading materials. The south saw this act as unconstitutional. -
South Carolina Exposition and Protest
The South Carolina Exposition and Protest was a document that was secretly drafted by John C. Calhoun (a SC native) that said that the tariff was unconstitutional and outlined how the state felt about the tariff as well. it was also said that a state did not have to oblige unless it was amended to the U.S. Constitution. -
Tariff of 1832
The Tariff of 1832 did not abolish the tariff of 1828, or replace it, but instead it was created to try and find a compromise between the northern industries and the southern farmers, and to prevent any conflict. This tariff reduced the cost from the original tariff but it was not significant enough for the south to accept and they still opposed federal tariff policies. -
South Carolina Ordinance of Nullification
This event is when South Carolina declared that the two tariffs were unconstitutional therefore declared them null and void. South Carolina also threatened to secede from the U.S. if the federal government tried to enforce these tariffs on them. -
President Andrew Jackson’s Proclamation
This was president Jackson's response to the South Carolina Ordinance of Nullification. Jackson passed a bill that deemed state nullification as unconstitutional to reinstate that the federal government is of the highest powers. Jackson also said that if the state seceded from the U.S. it would be considered as treason which is a national crime. -
Compromise Tariff of 1833
Henry Clay and John C. Calhoun worked together to reduce the tariffs to 20% over the next couple of years in hopes to relieve tensions with the state of South Carolina and the federal government. -
Force Bill
The force bill authorized Andrew Jackson to use military force to ensure that the tariffs were in affect, they could collect import goods if the state did not comply. -
South Carolina’s Repeal of Nullification
After the tension was settled, SC repealed their nullification and accepted the compromise tariff of 1833. This act ended the Nullification crisis. Although three days after this SC nullified the force bill, just to show defiance.