Tariff of Abomination
It protected northern industrial interests, but the tariff caused widespread economic hardship in the agricultural South. It led to higher prices on manufactured goods and the loss of valuable European markets for southern agricultural exports, primarily cotton. -
Election of 1828
Andrew Jackson wins the election and is elected president of the United States. His political party is known as the democratic-Republicans. -
The Hayne-Webster Debates
This debate brought attention to issues such as public land policy, western expansion, and slavery. Also it brought showed a senator's position on states right vs. federal authority. -
John C. Calhoun Resignation
Vice President Calhoun resigns from ofice -
Ordinance of Nullification
Declared the tariff of 1828 and 1832 null and void within state boarders. In response to South Carolina’s threat, Jackson sent seven small naval vessels and a man-of-war to Charleston in November 1832. On December 10, he issued a resounding proclamation against the nullifiers. -
Proclamation to the people of South Carolina
Clay's Tariff Bill
Specified that all duties in excess of 20% of the value of goods imported were to be reduced by year, so that by 1842 the duties on all articles would reach the level of the moderate tariff of 1816. -
Force Act