
Nullification Crisis

  • Tariff of Abominations

    Tariff of Abominations
    It was designed to protect American industry from cheaper British products. It placed taxes on raw materials like cotton and tobacco and greatly hurt the south, because they were trading raw materials outside the US. It was called the Tariff of Abominations because the South greatly opposed it and felt like it increased the duties to Northerners and Westerners.
  • Tariff of 1832

    Tariff of 1832
    This was to reduce the existing tariff of 1828 to calm down the conflicts of the tariff of Abominations. This was apart of the protective tariff series which were opposed by the southerners because they claimed they were unconstitutional. This tariff reduced the taxes and returned to the 35% rate of the tariff of 1824.
  • Proclamation to The People of South Carolina

    Proclamation to The People of South Carolina
    This Proclamation was Jacksons answer to South Carolina's Ordinance of Nullification. He voiced that he didn't support the nullification and would use force if necessary to oppose it and carry out the laws of the Untied States.
  • Clay Tariff Bill of 1833

    Clay Tariff Bill of 1833
    This gradually lowered the taxes until 1842, and ended up going as low as they were when the Tariff of 1816 was passed. this tariff ended the nullification crisis and was proposed by Henry Clay.
  • Force Act of 1833

    Force Act of 1833
    This authorized the president to use military force against any state who resisted the tariff laws, which extended executive power. This was also called the bloody bill in South Carolina.
  • Ordinance of Nullification

    Ordinance of Nullification
    This declared the tariffs of 1828 and 1833 null and void within state borders. The legislature passed laws to enforce the act like military force and appropriation for arms. This was a protest against excess of the federal government.