
Nullification Crisis

  • Tariff of Abominations

    Tariff of Abominations
    The Tariff of 1828 was passed by Congress to protect domestic trade. Many felt as if it was doing more harm to both industry and agriculture. This Tariff put a 38% tax on imported goods and about 50% on certain raw materials. It was passed because the British were selling goods to America at a low price that American manufacturers couldn't match. The Bill was made to look as bad as possible, to fail. The VP even anonymously wrote about how the South Carolina legislature should take action.
  • South Carolina Exposition and Protest

    South Carolina Exposition and Protest
    AKA Calhoun's Exposition was made after the Tariff of 1828. The was anonymously submitted by the VP Calhoun. In this, he stated that he believed that it was the right of each state to nullify something if they believed it was unconstitutional. He talked about how the tariff favored manufacturing while harming commerce and agriculture. It eventually leaked that it was he who wrote the paper and he resigned from VP to join the US Senate.
  • Tariff of 1832

    Tariff of 1832
    This tariff was made to try and fix the damage caused by the Tariff of 1828 which mainly focused on the Industry up North. This new tariff passed brought the cost of the tax to only 35%. This much like the 1828 tariffs seemed unfair to Southerners.
  • Ordinance of Nullification.

    Ordinance of Nullification.
    The Ordinance of Nullification was created to declare that the series of tariffs passed by the government was null and void. This was mainly inspired by VPs John C. Calhoun's doctrine of Nullification. Not only did they consider the tariffs unconstitutional but also threatened secession from the Union.
  • Proclamation to the People of South Carolina

    Proclamation to the People of South Carolina
    This proclamation was a response to South Carolina's attempt to secede from the Union. He said states have no authority to claim what is void in their state. And that if necessary he would use force, as the people of South Carolina were about to commit treason. In this he is essentially trying to persuade the people to stay with the Union and understand what they are doing is a direct violation of the Constitution.
  • Haynes' Counter Proclamation

    Haynes' Counter Proclamation
    In this Governor Haynes made a response to Jackson proclamation. He felt that if the state is being oppressed they can nullify the law. He continued to nullify the tariffs even after Jackson had sent troops to South Carolina. Jackson knew something had to be done and proposed the Force Act to Congress.
  • Force Act

    Force Act
    This act gave the president permission to use the US military on states that refused to comply with tariffs and taxes passed by the government. South Carolina felt as if this new law passed was an overreach of the government's power in order to force rules onto the states.
  • South Carolina Repeals Ordinance of Nullification

    South Carolina Repeals Ordinance of Nullification
    South Carolina’s Governor Hayne was forming armed resistance against the Tariffs. And this was only a few months after the Force Act which allowed the president to send the military to handle resistance. In order to stop war Senators Henry Clay, Daniel Webster and John C. Calhoun meet and agreed upon on the compromise Tariff of 1833. This new tariff would gradually decrease the rate of the duties. This his was enough for South Carolina to repeal that ordinance.