
  • South Carolina Exposition and Protest

    Declaration given by John C. Calhoun stating that states had the right to nullify oppressive national legislation.
  • Tariff of Abominations

    The tariff of abominations caused economic hardship in the South, while heavily benefiting the North.
  • Hayne-Webster Debates

    Famous congressional debate between Robert Y. Hayne and Daniel Webster. The debate covered issues including public land policy, western expansion, and slavery.
  • Tariff of Abominations Revision

    In 1832, Congress passed a bill that would revise the tariff of abominations. However, this still did not satisfy the economically suffering state of South Carolina.
  • Ordinance of Nullification

    South Carolina adopted an Ordinance of Nullification, declaring the tariffs of abomination and tariff of 1832 null and void within the boarders of the state.
  • Tariff of 1832

    Also known as the "protectionist tariff", the tariff of 1832 attempted to fix the problems that had arisen with the enactment of the tariff of abominations.