Discovery of Radiation
-Antone Henri Becquerel, Dierre Curie, Marie Curie, Ernest Rutherford
-In an experiment with a uranium-bearing crystal and sunlight Becquerel found radiation
-It led to the discovery of 2 new radioactive element, polonium and radium -
Discovery of X-rays
X-rays were dicovered in late 1895 by the german physicist, W.C. Roentgen. He filled the tubes with a special gas and passed high electric voltage through it. When this was done the tube would produce a flourescent glow. He also found that the x-rays would pass through most substances casting a shadow of the solid objects. This was important because we still use x-rays today for medical reasons. -
Discovery of Elementary Particles
-J.J Thompson, Ernest Rutherford
-They discovered the nucleous, proton, and neutron
-Helps us understand the structure of an atom -
Manhatten Project
-Albert Einstein, President Franklin D. Roosevelt
-It was research into building a nuclear bomb
-Led to the bombing of Japan -
First Nuclear Reactor
The Chicago Pile-1 was the nuclear reactor where the first controlled fission chain reaction occurred. The United States constructed it as part of the Manhattan Project during World War 2. It was important because we were able to use nuclear weapons now. -
First Nuclear Reaction
-Enrico Fermi
-At University of Chicago Fermi reaction under the bleachers of Stagg Field
-Helped discover the nuclear bomb -
Dropping The Atomic Bomb
The dropping of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan ended world war 2. the final decision was made by U.S. president Harry S. Truman on july 26th and the bomb was dropped days after on august 6. This was significant because it had ended the war and it introduced us to a new world of weapons. -
Creation of MRI
-Felix Bloch, Edward Purcell, Paul C. Lauterbur, Peter Mansfield, Raymond Damadian
-Scientists discovered magnetic fields/radio waves cause atoms to give off radio signals which led to the discovery of MRI
-Used for many medical diagnosis -
Nuclear Non-Proliferation Act
-US Congress
-To tighten criteria for nuclear cooperation and reshape nuclear cycle
-To prevent use of nuclear weapons -
Three Mile Island
On March 28, 1979 at three mile island, a cooling malfunction evolved causing the core to melt in the #2 reactor. So the TMI-2 reactor was destroyed thus releasing radioactive gas after the accident. but not enough to cause any damage to any of the local residents. This was important because it was the first nuclear disaster America had encountered. -
The Chernobyl accident in 1986 was the result of a flawed reactor design that was operated with inadequately trained personnel.
The resulting steam explosion and fires released at least 5% of the radioactive reactor core into the atmosphere and downwind.
Two Chernobyl plant workers died on the night of the accident, and a further 28 people died within a few weeks as a result of acute radiation poisoning. This was important because it changed what people thought about nuclear power.