Nuclear Testing

  • Early Atom Study

    Atoms and Molecular units were being studied in term of weaponry
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    The Nuclear science was honed into a the substance to create mass weaponry. Many Scientist evaluate work of neutrons, atom and molecular cells.
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    Genetic Research

    For deeper reason, Genetic researching begin in the 1920s as just ways of science. After years of lab work and experimenting the real life affects of radiation on human beings. In 1956 the BEAR and NAS-NRC
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    Fission is when a nuclei splits or divides into two or more parts.
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    Discovery of Gamma Rays

    In study where beryllium is discovered. to be penetrating rays, Irene Joilet Curie with herself reports that neutrons have a more expansive power. The first noted discovery of gamma rays.
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    Leo Szilard and the British War department

    The patents to nuclear energy obtained by Leo Szilard were regent by The British War department were rejected. In 1936, a re offer for the patents were sent to Leo who later accepted in Februaru of 1936.
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    United Nations Atomic Energy Commission

    After the events of the "success" of the Manhattan Project, for the multiple bombings sent to Hiroshima and Nagasakii in World War 2. The war ends with the UNAEC.
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    Scientist in Manhattans earliest Experiments

    A couple experiment studied and reported in Manhattan lead to the atomic bomb weaponry to formulate into government listed militarization. Concludes in the founding of the Engineering group for the city.
  • In Japan scientist begin to study genetic mutation from radiation

  • Japanese Care about Mental Affects of Radiation

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    Genetic Affects of Radiation

    In Nagasaki, cases were arising about the affects on Chinese children after the bombing during the war. Which lead to the psychological affects of radiation. Beginning studies suggest lower confidence is associating with surviving radiation once exposed.
  • United Nations Atomic Energy Commission

  • First Nuclear test in Marshall Islands

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    Nuclear War Threats (Cold War) and Nuclear Bombs Testing

    More nuclear bombs were assembled and tested from the start of the year, January1951. Three set of test were executed in The United States of America during the time. In April of the same year, the US tested a bomb test in the Marshall Islands. In 1952 test were done in Nevada. In 1958 marked one of the largest explosions tested in the US.
  • BEAR and UNAEC

    The creation of such groups grew the desire to test nuclear weaponry.
  • one of the largest nuclear bombs is tested in Nevada

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    Nuclear Arms Race (1960-1980s)

    Each country races and to create the worlds first successful nuclear bomb. Countries like US, Soviets, France, China and later leads to the Middle East getting involved in the idea of protection with nuclear weaponry in the mid to late 80s. Prompting the events that led to the end of the Cold War such as Chernobyl and the initial foundation of what would later be the ideals that prompted the War on Terror.
  • The spread of other countries beside those majorly involved in WW2 begin to test nuclear.

    Like India
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    War on Terror effects (1990-2000s)

    After years of countries limiting and restricting those with admission to have nuclear weapons a number of countries by this time have some nuclear testing being experimented.
  • Banning of Nuclear Testing

    The US embarks on efforts to end testing of nuclear bombs and weaponry testing.
  • The Cancer Society

    Year the American Cancer society noticed a spike in cancer rates.