notes we took in social studies

By cianna
  • what is the goal of social studies

    the goal os social studies is for students to be engaged in public life.
  • what does civic competence mean

    civic competence means that knolegble of community, nation and the world.
  • changes

    c- civics
  • Period: to

    Everything we learned in social studies.

  • the five w's of history

    the five w's of history are: who- the players
    what- the sources
    where- location
    when- time period
    why and how- inuqiry....... the investigation
  • historical empathy

    historical empathy is the abilty to identify with understanding somebody eles's feelings or difficulties
  • historical perspective

    historcal perpective is the particuar evalution of a situation or facts; a persons point of view
  • primary and secondary source

    a primary and secondary source is a source that is our proof from the past
  • primary source

    a primary source is a document or physical object or person.
  • secondary source

    a secondary source is one or more steps removed fro the event.
  • what is chronolohy

    chronology is the study of the order in which things occur.
  • what does nalyxe mean

    analyze means break it down only after analyzing.
  • what is diversity

    diveristy is the state or quality of being diffrent.
  • what is disagreemenats

    disagreemenats are known as a conflict we over come by coordination
  • what is georgaphy

    georaphy is the lay out of the earth
  • what is absolute location

    absolute location is your exact loction
  • what is latitude

    latitude is the horizontal linnes along the earth
  • what is longitude

    longitude is vertical lines running along the earth
  • what is relative

    relative is where your location is relation to another place.
  • what is phsical features

    physical features are all the natural features
  • what is human features

    human fetures are farmes, roades, buildings and bridges
  • what is a region

    a region is a large land area that has geographic politacal and cultural characteristics that distinguish it from other lands
  • pangae

    pangae is a super coninent
  • the 7 continentes

    The 7 continentes are: asia, africa, europe, antarctica, south america, north america and australlia
  • antarctia

    there is no contries in antartica
  • north america

    north america includes 23 countries and dozens of possessions and territones. It was named after amerigo vespucci. North america contains the worlds largest water lake.
  • south america

    south america is the 4th largest contient. It has the longest mountain range.
  • europe

    europe is the 6th largest continen. It includes 47 countries. At one tme it ruled almost all of the world.
  • africa

    africa is the plantes 2nd largest continent. It has over a billion people.
  • asia

    asia is the most popular continent.It contains the heights point of earth
  • australlia/oceanian

    oceanian is the smallest continet. There is more sheep than people.
  • native americans

    native americans are any indgenous american peoples. Native americans have been here 10,000 years. Native americans were here by them selves.
  • what does migrate mean

    migrate means to move from one place and establish a new house in a new place. That is how we got here by moving place to place.
  • ice age

    whn the ice age came 200 feet droped from the earth. An ice age is a period of long-term reduction inn the tempture of the earth's atmosphere.
  • beringia

    beringia is a land bridge. A long strip of land between asia and norht america. Beringia's grassland's attracted large asian mammals.
  • what is nomadic

    nomadic are peoples who move from place to place to look for food.
  • what is enviroment

    enviroment means all of the physical surroundings in a place.
  • what does culture mean

    culture means there is a way of life
  • cultureal regions

    cultural regions are an area in which a group of people sharfe a similar culture and launguage
  • what is home land

    home land is the area where the tribe stayed for most of the year.
  • europeans and exploration

    europeans did not know about the americans. They where far more interested in the land to the east.
  • marco polo

    marco polo published his travels into a book the book was called "the marvels of the world". The individuals who read marco polo's book were fascinated, so they wanted to find the quick way to et to asia. The land route that polo travled was long and dangerous.
  • christopher columbus

    he was italian. He was one of the individuals who was inspired to go out and explore. He stuided maps of the world. He was very bad at it. He did not have money to gound his travles. He went to king ferdinand and queen isabella. They belived the wrong thing. There was a new world and old world.
  • columbian exchange

    the colunbian exchange is when people exchange diffrent things like plants, animals and people.
  • slavery appears

    the death of the work force. They used native americans first.Spain settlers in the caribbean had gold mines and sugar plantations..
  • what does slavery mean

    slavery means the treatment of people as property for the purpose of forcing them to do labor
  • slavery

    slavery existed around the world since ancient times. In the late 1400's european explorers in the west africans were trading and other goods. In the 1500's european slave traders and began shipping slavs to the caribbean for sale. The voyge lasted anywhere from weeks to mouths. Many died before the voyage was over. They were sold in aucations.
  • trade

    a trade is an act of process of buying, selling, or excanging. the top 10 traded goods of 2011 was : crude oil, coffee, natural gras, gold, brent oil, silver, sugar, corn, wheat, cotton.
  • trianglur trade

    the continenes that are in the trianglur trade are africa, europe, norht america and south america. The trade began in 1450 to 1870.
  • what does nobility mean

    nobility is the uper class
  • what is a colony

    a colony is a new settlement or terriotry setablished and governed by a colony in another land.
  • spain conquistadors

    spain sends conquistadores across the atlantic. Conquistadors are spanish soliders.
  • what is a missionary

    a missionary are religous people sent by a church.
  • what is a north west passage

    a northwest passage is an all water route through the north american continent to the pacific ocan
  • samuel de champlain

    champlain was born1680. He made friends with the huron indians.Hejoined the huron in the attack.
  • christopher columbus

    he refered to the natives as indians. Coloumbus made four trips to the caribbean.Each te he discovered a new place and clamied it for spain. He died beliving he had found asia.
  • john white

    john white, the leader of the settlersreturns to roanoke. John white has a grandaughter; virgina dare. She was the first child born to england parents in america. When john white finally returned to the island, the colonist had disappeared.
  • what does merchant mean

    a merchant is somebody who buys and sells goods.
  • jamestown

    jamestown was a swampy area it had alot of disease carring mosquitoes.
  • a new leadrer

    in 1608 a new leader took over jamestown his name was captin john smith. He was injured by gun powder, after that he had to return to england.
  • john rolfe

    john rolfe helped the colony survive. He made tabacco big.
  • 1609

    hudson decovered a deep river. He thought this river might take him all the way across the continent. He clamed the land along its blanks for the netherlands. This river became the hudson river.
  • $24 dollars bought what?

    minuit followed orders. He offered the islands indans iron pots, beads, and blankets worth about $24 dollars in exchanhe for their island. The native americans didn't belive that anyone coul own land.
  • new amsterdam

    in 1647 the dutch west indian company hiered peter stuyvesant as the colony's new govoner. Stuyvesant lost his right leg in battle and he had it replaced with a wooden leg. His nicknames were: "old silver nails" and "peg leg pete". He was a strong leader he was generally disliked. He often refered to them as " ignorent subjects". He governed new amsterdam for 17 years. By 1660 the colony had nearly 8,000 people.
  • federal government vs. state government

    federal government is called " the big brother and state is called "the little brother. the federal government controls the whole nation. the state controls only the state that its in. the federal government usally wins.
  • states governers

    in ohio we vote on all of the three branches we have.
  • civil rights

    civil rights are not just about blacks vs. whites there is more to it. people who were slaves where treated as animals. the pourpose of the civil rights are to set the blacks free from slavery. there is a thing called the SNCC which is a non-violent/ violent group. the SCLC is a non- violent group.
  • social sturctures

    the middle class is the farmers and artisans the lower class is the farmers and the other workers and at the bottom there is the slaves. when the kids went to school they had to write on a piece of bark and have ink to write with. family expectancy is about 30 so they have 7-10 kids because they think they will not libe for a long time.