not so hot war

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    molotov plan

    this was where the people of the warsha pact were told to not go to things being held because that would be uncool
  • yalta conference

    where yalta ukraine
    when february 4 to 11 1945
    what is was it was where the big there got togher in order to be able to figer out what to do after the war with the spliting of germney and ocpied countrys were able to have free demcratic goverments
  • potdam conference

    july 17 to august 2 1945
    in potdam germaney
    this was where the alled power meat in order to be able to decide on what that should do with germaney after there loss in ww2
    this effected the cold war because it was the first time that the group ment in order to be able to set rules for the vitory. and the first time staln had to deal with politacal rivles.
  • the hiroshima bombing

    this was when the US had used there atiom bombs on the japan city of hiroshima this is also a show of pover my the us to try to deture the commiust for fighting them well as the way to end the 2 world war
  • the bombing of nagasaki

    this was when the us droped anothere atiom bomb on the country of japan this was also a show of pover by the us well as a way to end the seciond world war
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    truman doctrine

    march 12 1947 to november 1 1975
    this was where truman the us presadent of the time trying to buy frends in order to not be the only one agest the comiust
    this effected the cold war becasue people would no join comsume and the us would have allies.
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    marshall plan

    april of 1948 to december of 1951
    this is where the us sent money to 17 poorer conutrys to help with there econmey but at the same time thay were suing thais to be order to buy alies well as the cpuntrys that haelped thay would hope that thay would not commist
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    brussels treaty

    1948 to 2010
    this was the confrened waht the idea of nato well as the ideas of the safty of the other country at the confrance well as what the US tryed to be able to work people over to there side.
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    Berlin Blockade

    this was where the comiust people had put up a wall arund berlin in order to be able to starve the liberal peole and so that the people in the commiset side could not flee to the liberal side.
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    soviet creation of nuclear weapons

    this is when the soviet union had started to manufature nokes well as when that had stoped this also show that the years that thay had spent on making so maney of the booms in order to deture othere countrys.
  • NATO

    apirl 4 1949
    washentin dc
    this was an allence of the people that were agest comist and want to have free elchions and for ther people to be free when it cane to there politcal leaders.
    this effected liberlisum because it was countrys were holding on to there liberal values
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    the korean war

    his is where the commist north korea wanted to have control of all of korea this was 3 years because of constan intervetion of US and china troops fighting for the land but the war ended at the same place that is had started
  • stallin dead

    this was the day that stallin died he die of heart pain
    this change the cold war because he was dead
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    warsaw pact

    founed may 14 1955 ended july 1 1991
    this was the pact that the comist countrys had in case one of the countrys of nato were to atack one of them so eace of them was defened
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    vietnam war

    this is where vietnam wahted to become a soslist state and the us went in and cased a war agest a country that had wanted to become what the US had ben fighting agest so basckly the us foght a war agest people who wanted to be somthing but thay dident want them to be that
  • the hungarian revolution

    this is wahe the people of hungry wanted to have a libral demorcay whell being on the commist side of thing so the sovit union had gon into hungry and had taken over of the county in order to be able to keep the country under commist rule

    founed september 12 1957
    this was the alert ssystem that would be able to tell people if there was a missle attack this is still used today in case of there being well a missle strik or somthing else major
  • fidel castro taking over

    this is when fidel castro lead a revlution in cuba in because of this he ganed milatry power well as the ablity to change cuba into a commist state
  • bay of pigs

    this was a plot by the us to use cuban imagrats to storm cuba in order to be able to keep libral control over cuba rather that have the commist block have control of cuba
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    berlin wall

    this was a wall that was streched across berlin in order to seprate the commist and the liberal side well as to try to get rid of the liberal side in order to make berlin mostly commiust
  • end of the cuban missile crisis

    this was the end of the 4 day span where people thought that thay were going to die of tension got to hight becasue of a block ande that the use had set up in order to stop the russan boats for going into cuba
  • nuclear arms treaty

    this was a treaty that would limite the use of nuclar arms well as countrys had to start to get rid of there nukes
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    afghanistan/soviet war

    this was a war where the US whet into a country in order to try to make there polatil leader that is agest the idea of commiusm would win the war agest its peole but in this case peole were agest the idea of commiusm.
  • poland

    this was where the people of poland baned toghter in order to be able to get beter workers rights well as a year later thay were able to force the union oto negoshate with them
  • berlin wall falling

    this was where the people of berlin ahd toppeled the wall that had been seprating them form one and anothere
  • czechoslovakia revolution

    this is where the people of country in title wanted to have there own libral domcrisy in well as there own votes then ened with the soviet union going in to matane control of the cuntry and keep it commest
  • end of not so hot war

    this was the day that the cold war had ended this effected the cold war beacuse it was the end of the war