Northern Colonies Timeline

By linc7
  • Mayflower Compact

    The Pilgrims who founded the colony in Plymouth came up with a set of rules that would help govern the new colonies.
  • Arrival in Plymouth

    The people that came up with the Mayflower Compact now arrived in Plymouth. Land was given to them for them to start a new colony and explore the surrounding area
  • Beginning of The Great Migration

    Many English people moved into America from 1630 to 1640.
  • People left Plymouth

    The people that formed Connecticut colony left Plymouth because they weren't happy. They formed a new colony and wrote their constitution, The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut.
  • New Mercantile System

    People were appointed to New England so England could get the most out of the colonies.
  • Period: to

    French and Indian Wars

    France and England fought a huge war for land.
  • England ans Scotland Unite

    England and Scotland united, creating 'Great Britain' and 'British'
  • The Great Awakening

    In the 1730s, there was increased religions enthusiasm, converting many people to different religions, but mostly different branches of Christianity.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Tea was dumped in the sea, which effectively salted the tea and sweetened the ocean. The birth of pollution.
  • Revolution

    The Connecticut, Rhode Island, and New Hampshire Colonies are no longer colonies, so they were dispersed and became their own country.