Northern Colonies

By 15drs81
  • Jan 1, 1517

    Martin Luther Begins Protestant Reformation

    Martin Luther Begins Protestant Reformation
    Martin Luther nailed his protests to the door of the Wittenbergs cathedral. He shaped the destiney of a yet unknown nation. He ingnited a fire of religious reform called the "Protestant Reformation". This reformation divided people, toppled sovereigns, and unkindled the spritual ferver of millions of men and women.
  • Jan 1, 1536

    John Calvin of Geneva Publishes Institutes of the Christian Religion

    John Calvin of Geneva Publishes Institutes of the Christian Religion
    Calvin elaborated Martin Luther's ideas that affected generations of Americans yet unborn. Calvinism became the dominant theological credo. The Institutes of the Christian Religion, spelled out his basic docterine. Calvin argued God was all-powerful all-good and all-knowing. Predestinination was inevitable and no good behavior could change fate. Those destined to a life in hell sought signs of conversion or God's free gift of saving grace.
  • Pilgrims Sail on the Mayflower to Plymouth Bay

    Pilgrims Sail on the Mayflower to Plymouth Bay
    Separatists arrive on the stony coast of New England in 1620 after 65 days on the crowded Mayflower. Pilgrim leaders signed the brief Mayflower Compact before leaving thier origin.
  • Dutch Found New Netherland

    Dutch Found New Netherland
  • Charles I Dismisses Parliament and Persecutes Puritains

    Charles I Dismisses Parliament and Persecutes Puritains
    As Puritains gained support in Parliament, Charles I was still opposed to their religion. Therefore the King dismissed Parliament in 1629. Later on, Puritains began to fear for their faith. Charles granted a royal charter to start the Massachusetts Bay Company, which then led to the creation of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. During the Great Migration, more then 70,000 people fled England, although not all were Puritains. Only about 20,000 came to Massachusetts.
  • Period: to

    Roger Williams Convicted of Heresey and Founds Rhode Island colony

    Roger Williams was a young minister from Salem, Massachusttes. Williams was young and had new ideas and ways of thinking, and wasn't afraid to say what he thought. This made him unpopular with the Puritans as he tried to break off ties to the english church. The final straw for the Puritans, however, was when he denied that government should have any control over religious ideas. This angered Puritans because this is central in thier political thinking.
  • Pequot War

    Pequot War
    The Pequot War was noit much of a war, but a massacre. In 1637, as more and more English settlers arrived in the New England area, The Pequot tribe refused to surrender thier land so easily. The English militiamen and some native allies sieged the Pequot villiage and nearly wiped out the entire tribe. .
  • Anne Hutchinson banished from Massachusetts Colony

    Anne Hutchinson banished from Massachusetts Colony
    Anne Hutchinson had unorthodox views on the authority of the clergy. Anne challenged the integrity of the Puritan expirament and was banished form the Massachusetts colony because of her beliefs.
  • Connecticut's Fundamental Orders Drafted

    Connecticut's Fundamental Orders Drafted
    The Connecticut River colony drafted the Fundamental Orders in 1639. It was a modern constitution which produced a regime democratically controlled by the majority of citizens.
  • Period: to

    English Civil War

    In 1643 four colonies banded together to form the New England Confederation. England left colonies to survive with only local resources. The purpose of the confederation was defense against all enemies including: Inidans, French, and the Dutch.
  • New England Confederation Formed

    New England Confederation Formed
    In 1643 four colonies banded together to form the New England Confederation. England left colonies to survive with only local resources. The purpose of the confederation was defense against all enemies including: Inidans, French, and the Dutch.
  • William Bradford Completes "Of Plymouth Plantation"

    William Bradford Completes "Of Plymouth Plantation"
  • New Netherland Conquers New Sweden

    New Netherland Conquers New Sweden
  • England Seizes New Netherland From The Dutch

    England Seizes New Netherland From The Dutch
  • William Penn Founds Pennsylvania

    William Penn Founds Pennsylvania