North & South Divide

  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

    Uncle Tom's Cabin
    Was a book written by Harriet Beecher Stowe after the passage of the Fugitive Slave Law. It described and captured the reality of how cruel slavery really was as well as how it made free state and slave states despise each other. Was very detailed, revealed the conditions a lot of the slaves were under.
  • Bloody Kansas

    Bloody Kansas
    Armed conflict between 1854-1861 caused by the flow of both Southern slave holders and antislavery families into Kansas
  • Republican Party

    Republican Party
    After the Whig Party "died" off, the new party was the Republican Party. Their views led to the divide between the North & South because they demanded that slavery be banned from all of the U.S territories.
  • Kansas Nebraska Act

    Kansas Nebraska Act
    An act that created the territories of Kansas and Nebraska. it was drafted by Stephen Douglass because he wanted to open up new lands to industrialization including a railroad. The Act repealed the Missouri Compromise which riled up the tension over slavery in the U.S and that led to several armed conflicts that gave Kansas the name "Bleeding Kansas"
  • Election 1856

    Election 1856
    This happened in the midst of Kansas's Civil War, the Democrats elected James Buchanan for their candidate and the Republicans elected John Fremont as their candidate. Buchanan won the electoral vote with 174 votes.
  • Brooks - Sumner Incident

    Brooks - Sumner Incident
    Senator Charles Sumner gave a two - day speech, "The Crime Against Kansas," in which he denounced and made fun of Senator Andrew Butler. In response, Senator Preston Brooks of South Carolina charged at Sumner and attacked him with a cane. It was on the house floor so it really showed just how much he country was divided being that officials were fighting your it.
  • Dred Scott

    Dred Scott
    A Missouri slave who sued for his freedom in 1846. He said that while he had been a slave of an army surgeon, he had lived in Illinois (free state) and Wisconsin (free territory) which made him free. His freedom was granted in 1850 but the court reversed the decision and was again a slave. He appealed to the federal courts and their verdict concluded that slaves were not citizens, the Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional, & Congress had no right to exclude slavery from the territories.
  • LeCompton Constitution

    LeCompton Constitution
    Was the second constitution drafted for the Kansas territory which was written by pro-slavery supporters. It permitted slavery, didn't include free blacks living in Kansas, and it allowed for only male citizens to vote. It was not passed by congress and Kansas ended up being a free state. Por-slavery forces pushed for this to go through Congress to get accepted.
  • House Divided Speech

    House Divided Speech
    A national address given by Abraham Lincoln upon accepting the nomination of the Republican party for U.S Senator.
  • Lincoln - Douglass Debates

    Lincoln - Douglass Debates
    Was a series of debates between Abraham Lincoln, and Senator Stephen Douglass about the issue of whether or not slavery would be allowed in new territories of the United States while expanding. Douglass lost the chance of becoming President which further split the democratic party. When Lincoln became President, the issue of slavery was present and the people of the U.S had already formed their own views of it.
  • Harpers Ferry Raid

    Harpers Ferry Raid
    Effort by John Brown {Abolitionist} to start a slave revolt in Southern United States by taking over a weapon arsenal located in Harpers Ferry, Virginia. It contributed to the start of the Civil War by causing northern anti-slave attitude's and southern paranoia. In the north, John Brown was seen as somebody who was killed for their beliefs in the abolitionist cause, in the south he was given the bad reputation of mistrust.
  • John Brown

    John Brown
    An anti-slavery activist that led an attack on Harper's ferry that was not successful and it landed him on trial for conspiracy, treason, and murder. The consequence he faced was death by hanging.
  • Election 1860

    Election 1860
    This was the election that Lincoln wont by only 39 percent of the popular vote but won the majority electoral votes. He wont against John Breckenridge, Stephen Douglass, and John Bell.
  • Secession

    The secession started with South Carolina seceding form the Union on December 10th, then six more states in 1861. [Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas] They joined together to form the Confederate States of America.
  • Lincoln's 1st, Inagural Address

    Lincoln's 1st, Inagural Address
    It was Abraham Lincoln's first speech as President of the United States and he said that he had no constitutional authority to abolish slavery. The speech mainly addressed the people in the South and was talking about the states seceding from the Union.