North & South 1820-1865

By Lueck
  • 10 Million

    In 1820 the US population would hit ten million people in the north and the South. DATE UNKNOWN
  • Missouri Comprise

    Missouri Comprise
    The North part of America are tired of slavery. The growth is increasing, drastically. The North and South also have lots and lots of fights over it. Until Henry Clay who finally settled the debate when he said Maine was admitting as a free state, and Arkansas will be a slave state. The compromise helped make laws to balance out the number of slave states and free states.
  • Period: to

    Slave Codes

    In the Times of 1830-1860 the Southern Slaves came up with a code just encase something bad happend or to talk to each other in front of White People
  • South Fights

    In 1831 Nat Turner Leads a Southern Rebellion into the North. He brought them to Virginia.
  • General Trades

    1833 The General Trades Union is formed in New York
  • New Tech

    New Tech
    1844 Samuel M would change Tech History by sending the Worlds first Telegraph
  • Sewing

    in 1846 Elias Howe make a new Sewing Meshing that would change the world of Sewing
  • Slave Act of 1850

    Slave Act of 1850
    This act was passed in 1850 by congress. This act permitted slaves from being captured who had fled to the North. This convinced abolitionist that racial measures were necessary to end slavery. This set the stage for John Browns raid in the American Civil War.
  • Know Nothings Party

    Know Nothings Party
    The Know-Nothing Party quickly grew in popularity in the North, where most recent immigrants to the United States resided. In 1854, Know-Nothing candidates even won control of the Massachusetts legislature. NO EXACT DATE
  • arkansas legislature 1859

    In 1859 Arkansas ordered all of the free black slaves to leave as there where told useless
  • New York hits 800,000

    New York becomes the biggest city in all the USA with well over 800,000 people living there. DATE UNKNOWN
  • South and there Cotton

    Up to 1860 the South is still using cotton as the most sold item in the US. NO DATE
  • Transportation

    In the North they are getting roads, Trains and more Tech seems every day wail the South are still walking almost everywhere, Using horses and very few Rail Roads.
  • Abe Lincoln

    Abe Lincoln
    When Abe Lincoln was elected as the US president he said he would not get rid of slavey and he would keep it. People in the North still thought he would make a very fine leader and still voted for him.
  • Abe Lincolns assassination

    Abe Lincolns assassination
    Abe Lincoln was assassinated on April 15, 1865 on his second term as the US president. He was killed by John Wilkes Booth in the head while watching theater with his wife and others. That day the Sectary of State and Vice President were also almost murdered.