North Merica

  • Period: Sep 8, 1492 to

    European colonization

  • Oct 8, 1492

    Columbus encounters the new word

    Columbus sails for spains encounters the new world
  • Feb 9, 1514


    The well-known and capable twenty-seven-year-old led 240 mounted soldiers, 60 foot soldiers, 800 Indians and slaves, and hundreds of head of cattle and horses northward. Finding no gold in what is now Arizona and New Mexico,
  • Sep 9, 1518

    French began fur trade with Indians

    In the early 17th century, French traders began to use Huron (or Wyandot) middlemen to trade with the Native peoples in the Great Lakes region. Native people belonged to several “ethnic” groups. The members of an ethnic group (for example Ojibwa or Menominee) spoke the same language and shared a common history and identity, but did not all live in the same community or recognize the same leaders.
  • Jun 9, 1534

    Jacque Cartier sailed the St. Lawrence

    When French navigator Jacques Cartier left France by boat in April 1534, the king ordered him to find gold, spices (which were valuable at that time), and a water passage from France to Asia.
  • Period: Sep 8, 1538 to Sep 8, 1543

    Hernando de Soto’s expedition of the Southeast

    An expedition under the command of Panfilo Narvaez was sent by the King of Spain to explore the Spanish territory of Florida, which included at that time the whole of southeastern North America.
  • Sep 8, 1568

    Spanish establish St. Augustine, Florida

    On September 8, 1565, Pedro Menéndez de Avilés landed on the shore of what is now called Matanzas Bay and began the founding of the Presidio of San Agustin. Later the settlement would be called St. Augustine, Florida.
  • Attempted Roanoke Colony

    In April of 1584, explorers Phillip Amadas and Arthur Barlowe set out from England to survey the coast near Cape Hatteras. In the course of their expedition, they encountered few obstacles and their positive report prompted Sir Walter Raleigh to establish a colony in the New World. In 1585, Sir Richard Grenville,

    On September 21, 1595, Oñate was awarded a contract by King Philip II of Spain to settle New Mexico. Spreading Catholicism was a primary objective, but many colonists enlisted in hopes of finding a new silver strike. After many delays Oñate began the entrada in early 1598.
  • Samuel de Champlain founded Quebec

    amuel de Champlain was a French explorer and cartographer best known for establishing and governing the settlements of New France and the city of Quebec.
  • John Rolfe introduced tobacco to Virginia

    John Rolfe stepped into history in May 1609 when he boarded the Sea Venture, bound for Virginia. The Virginia Company, founded by investors, had financed and sponsored the English colony founded at Jamestown in May 1607. The Company expected the colonist to start industrial enterprises in Virginia that would return profits to the Company. The colonists in Virginia tried a number of different enterprises: silkmaking, glassmaking, lumber, sassafras, pitch and tar, and soap ashes, with no financia
  • Jamestown, Virginia founded

    Find out what it took to be a settler in the early-American colony of Jamestown. On May 14, 1607, a group of roughly 100 members of a joint venture called the Virginia Company founded the first permanent English settlement in North America on the banks of the James River.
  • First African slaves arrived in Virginia

    The arrival of the “20 and odd” African captives aboard a Dutch “man of war” ship on this day (August 20) in the year 1619 historically marks the early planting of the seeds of the American slave trade. Although American slavery was not a known institution at the time, this group of Africans was the first to go on record to be sold as involuntary laborers.
  • Plymouth, Massachusetts founded

    Instead it reached the shores of what is today known as Cape Cod, Massachusetts. On December 21, 1620, the Pilgrims began a new colony in what is today known as the Town of Plymouth.
  • Period: to

    Beaver Wars

    The Beaver Wars (1640 - 1701), also called the French and Iroquois Wars, were terrifying and brutal wars fought by tribes of the Iroquois Confederacy against the French and the Indian tribes who were their allies, including the Huron, Algonquins and the Mohicans. The Iroquois Confederacy, and in particular the Mohawk tribe, had established trading links with Dutch exchanging beaver pelts for guns. The Iroquois Confederacy wanted to extend their trading activity and gain new territories. A series
  • arquette and Joliet sailed down the Mississippi

    Marquette and Joliet left Michilimackinac on May 17, 1673, and headed their canoes south along Michigan’s Upper Peninsula to present-day Green Bay, Wisconsin. They visited with the Menominee Indians and Marquette described the “folle avione
  • The Pueblo Revolt

    In 1680 the people known collectively as “Pueblos” rebelled against their Spanish overlords in the American Southwest. Spaniard
  • Pennsylvania Colony founded

    The Province of Pennsylvania, also known as the Pennsylvania Colony, was founded in English North America by William Penn on March 4, 1681 as dictated in a royal charter granted by King Charles II.
  • South Carolina colony founded

    South Carolina, part of the original Province of Carolina, was founded in 1663 when King Charles II gave the land to eight noble men known as The Lords Proprietors. At the time, the province included both North Carolina and South Carolina. North and South Carolina became separate royal colonies in 1729.
  • Georgia Colony founded

    Georgia's Trustees, Oglethorpe and the twenty-one other men, established that no man was to make profit off the settlement. Once the charter was finalized the men brought it to the attention of King George II. In 1732, King George II, under the persuasion of Oglethorpe, signed off on the last of the 13 colonies.