North Carolina Timeline

  • Founded as colony

    Founded as colony
    Carolina became an official colony owned by Britain
  • First town built

    First town built
    Bath, was built in modern-day Bauafort County
  • Blackbeard the pirate killed

    Blackbeard the pirate killed
    Blackbeard, arguably the most famous pirate, was killed off the coast of North Carolina
  • Becomes royal colony

    Becomes royal colony
    North Carolina was the first royal colony among all of the other 13 colonies
  • Capitol building built

    Capitol building built
    It was named Tyron Palace, it was built in the town New Bern
  • The Women of Edenton take on British Rule

    The Women of Edenton take on British Rule
    By destroying tea cups which becomes known as the Edenton Tea Party, after the Boston Tea Party
  • First battle of Revolution

    First battle of Revolution
    Whigs defeat the Tories at the Battle of Moores Creek Bridge.
  • First state to vote for Independance

    First state to vote for Independance
    North Carolina was the first state to vote in favor for Independence
  • First State University

    First State University
    UNC becomes the first state university of the whole nation
  • First gold nugget found in the US

    First gold nugget found in the US
    Found in Reeds Gold Mine, NC
  • Becomes known as the "Rip Van Winkle" state

    Becomes known as the "Rip Van Winkle" state
    Was nicknamed that since very little work got done there, as if it was asleep
  • Walton War with Georgia

    Walton War with Georgia
    Since the colonies won the revolution, the border between NC and Georgia was disputed.
  • Andrew Jackson becomes president

    Andrew Jackson becomes president
    Andrew Jackson, from North Carolina, becomes the 7th president of America
  • The US government forces Cherokee Indians from their home

    The US government forces Cherokee Indians from their home
    This became known as the Trail Of Tears, and many Indians hid in the mountains
  • State Capitol Fire

    State Capitol Fire
    It started when, ironically, builders were attempting to fireproof the roof.
  • Edward B. Dudley becomes governor

    Edward B. Dudley becomes governor
    First governor to win by popular vote in North Carolina
  • James Polk becomes President

    James Polk becomes President
    Born and Raised in North Carolina
  • Henry Berry Lowrie leads revolt

    Henry Berry Lowrie leads revolt
    Becomes a hero to many Native Americans but disappeared six years later
  • First bill to give women right to vote is proposed in NC

    First bill to give women right to vote is proposed in NC
    It was denied by a committee of insane asylums
  • First successful flight

    First successful flight
    The Wright brothers make the first successful flight at Kitty Hawk, NC
  • Fort Bragg Established

    Fort Bragg Established
    It is a special operations and an aircraft base
  • Tobacco becomes an important crop in NC

    Tobacco becomes an important crop in NC
    Mostly sold as cash crop
  • Great Depression Begins

    Great Depression Begins
    Did not only effect North Carolina, many jobs and lots of money was lost
  • Pembroke State College Built

    Pembroke State College Built
    Nation's first public four-year college for Native Americans. Later becomes known as PMS Pembroke
  • Hurricane Hazel batters Carolina coast

    Hurricane Hazel batters Carolina coast
    One of the biggest hurricanes in NC history
  • The North Carolina Fund works to end poverty in NC

    The North Carolina Fund works to end poverty in NC
    It becomes a model for programs across the nation and was established by governor Stanford
  • Twenty-Five people killed in fire

    Twenty-Five people killed in fire
    A fire broke out at the Imperial Food Products, a chicken processing plant in NC
  • John Edwards runs for vice president

    John Edwards runs for vice president
    he was a former governor of NC, but he and his running-mate were beaten by George W. Bush.
  • Hurricane Irene hit NC

    Hurricane Irene hit NC
    Very big hurricane but did not make any significant damages. Not to be confused with the more recent hurricane Irene in 2017