Jan 1, 1540
A European Discovery
Europeans and North Carolina's Native Americans make contact for the first time! -
A New Colony
Sir. Walter Raleigh sends settlers to establish an English colony on Roanoke Island. Two years later another colony is created. The colony disappears in 1590. -
Heath's Grant
The Province of Carolana is granted to Sir. Robert Heath by King Charles I of England. -
The Eight Lords
King Charles II gives the Carolina colony to eight lords. The lords divide the colony into three counties. -
The First Continental Congress
North Carolina sends representatives to attend the First Continental Congress in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. -
The 12th State
North Carolina becomes the 12th state in the United States! -
The Trail of Tears
The US government forces the Cherokees to move to Oklahoma. They travel on what is called the Trail of Tears. -
The First Flight
The Wright brothers make flying history when they launch the first successful powered plane.This historical event took place near Kitty Hawk. -
The First Sit-In
Four black students participate in the nation's firt sit-in at Woolworth's Lunch Counter. -
Hurricane Floyd
Hurricane Floyd hits eastern North Carolina causing major flooding.