16,000 BCE
outer banks
16,000 bc outer banks begin to form -
9500 BCE
paleo Indians
9500 b.c. first paleo indians appear as nomads hunting large -
8500 BCE
8,500 bc hardaway spear point, named after discovery site in N.C. begins to replace clovis spear point -
8000 BCE
8,000bc Archic. period starts marked by devlopmennt of new tools and artafacts -
270 million bc Appalachian mountains begin to form -
Nov 22, 1100
1100ad mississippian period brings full scale agriculure with corn beans and squash as major crops -
Dec 17, 1300
1300 ad warlike mound builders invade North Carolina near preasent day Mt. Gilead, and then the mysteriously leave 100 years later -
Dec 17, 1497
Treaty of Tordesillas recognizes spanish rights to most of the americans icluding N.C. -
Dec 17, 1524
Giovanni da Verrazano explores coast of North Carolina -
Dec 17, 1526
Lucas Vasquez de ayllon attempts settelments on N.C. coast -
George burrington becames first royal governor of NC -
1000bc woodland period marked by pottry semi-permanent villages and gardening -
nc gold rush begins with the discovery of gold in cabarrus county -
reformer Archibald D. Mrurphy begins term in general assembly -
board of internal improvementsis organized and funded -
States literary fund is estabilshed -
Lode mining of gold rush intensifies gold ruch -
genral assembly authorzes countties to erect poor house -
David L. Swain becomes governor -
N.C. first railroad company is charted -
constitutional convention leads nc to reforms -
edward bishop dudley a whig becomes the first popularity elected govenor -
the frist public school opens wilmington and weldonrailroad is completed. -
a school for those with impared hearing opens in raleigh -
the general assembly charters the N.C. railroad company -
david reid
David Reid a democrat is elected govenor -
calvin h whiley
Calvin H. Whiley becomes the first superintendent of public schools -
dorothea dix
Effort of Dorothea Dix lead to construction of a hospital fo the mentaley ill -
Benjamin Hendrick
publishes book aginst slavery -
manhood suffrage
voters pass a manhood suffrage amendment -
Hinton rowan helper
pudlishes the impending crisis of the south how to meet it -
daniel worth
is found guilty of encouraging slaves to reble -
confederacy union
N.C. joins the confederacy union captures fort hatteras -
sherman troops
enter nc union forces take roanoke island and begin rading towns in the eastern part of nc -
The albemarle defends plymouth from union ships but is eventually sunk -
fort fisher
union takes fort fisher and the port of wilmington union wins battle of bertoville -
w.w. Holden becomes provisional govner ; nc retifies 13th amendment -
Many educational reforms are includeed in new states. nc is reamited in union -
consitutional convention meets; some power in restore to the legislator -
Zebulon B. Vance
becomes governor -
James Bonsack
invents a crude cigarette rolling machine -
Duke Family
begins making cigarettes -
Leonidas L. polk
organisms nc farmers association -
force legislator to establish state railroad commission -
of populist ans republicans sweeps state elections association to promote women suffrage is organised -
race riots
Wilmington race riot result in death of 11 African Americans -
Wright Brothers
make first airplane filght -
is enacted -
camp Greene
more than 86 thousand men from NC joined the armed forces Camp Greene is established in Charlotte -
camp bragg
is established -
Cameron Morrison
becomes governor, reforms to road systems, ed, and institutions for the disables begins -
Highway act
is passed under Governor Cameron Morrison -
o.max gardner
becomes governor -
o max Gardner
council of unemployment and relief -
overwhelmingly votes for Franklin roosevelt -
textile mills
many furniture factories ans textile mills are out of business -
furniture man. is back to 1920 levels -
battleship nc
thousands volunteer for armed forces battleship NC is commissioned -
airborne forces
the first us forces are trained are fort Bragg -
state board of ed
is created, Margaret craighill becomes becomes the 1st woman physician to join the cs military -
state intistuts
a nine month school year -
end of war
by the end of the war more soldiers had been trained in NC than any other state -
unc university
is required to admit African Americans to law, graduate, and medical schools -
commission of reorganization
of state gov. is created -
graduate -
pearsall plan
is adopted -
pearsall plan
is ratified, giving parents tuition money to send children to private schools -
first building
at the research triangle park is completed -
federal court
strikes down pearsall plan -
executive organization act
is passed -
environmental management commission
general assembly creates environmental management commission -
Susie Marshall sharp
becomes first woman to serve as chief justice of NC supreme court