North carolina conlony

  • 1663

    king charles II give carolina the lord propeter the main port was called charles town after the king
  • 1665

    lords proprictors receive new chorter extending their territory
  • 1676

    the popular party begin culpeper rebelaion/people boin american indian and the colonial goverment in the virgina colony and bacon's declaration of the people
  • 1689

    philip ludwell becomes govener named by the proprleter
  • 1711

    the tuscarora was is fought
  • 1712

    carolina officially splits into sc and nc
  • 1715

    esenton is established
  • 1718

    pirate ship had been sar off the coast
  • 1728

    two survivor one from nc and sc birginia estabished the boundary bewteen the two colonies